General Alerts: Service Down

Service Down Alert


Verba System Monitor has detected that a service is not running.

Computer name: <COMPUTER_NAME>


This alert is sent if the service mentioned in the alert email is stopped.


Please note that if you received the Service Up Alert as well, the system already restarted the service. If you received the Service Down Alert only, please contact the support service and send the log files of the related service(s). 
Log files are available under "APPLICATION_FOLDER\log" (by default C:\Program Files\Verba\log) folder on each server. 

Also, please check the  "APPLICATION_FOLDER\bin" (by default C:\Program Files\Verba\bin) folder and search for .cab files. If you find any, please send us that file and the log file also.

Service Up Alert


Verba System Monitor has restarted a service.

Computer name: <COMPUTER_NAME>


This alert is sent if the service mentioned in the alert email is up and running again.


No further action required. However, if you receive this pair of alert on a regular basis, please contact the support service and send the log files of the related service(s).
Log files are available under "APPLICATION_FOLDER\log" (by default C:\Program Files\Verba\log) folder on each server. 

Also, please check the  "APPLICATION_FOLDER\bin" (by default C:\Program Files\Verba\bin) folder and search for .cap files. If you find any, please send us that file and the log file also.