Web Application Service: Could not apply recording rules

Could not apply recording rules alert


Alert: Could not apply recording rules (ACL)
Service: Web Application
Computer name: <COMPUTER_NAME>
Alert id: .118.1.1
Time: <TIME> (UTC)
Severity: ERROR


Alert attributes:

Service name (OID: .200.2): VerbaWebApp


This alert is sent when Verba failed to apply extension configuration after Active Directory Synchronization. 


If you receive such an alert, please check if the Verba Node Manager Agent service is running on the server mentioned in the description part.

If the Verba Node Manager Agent service is running, please check if that server is reachable from the Media Repository server through port 4433.

If yes, please contact the support service and send the log files of the related service(s). 
Log files are available under "APPLICATION_FOLDER\log" (by default C:\Program Files\Verba\log) folder on each server.