Media Collector and Proxy Service: LyncFilterDown
SfB/Lync Filter Down Alert
Computer name: <COMPUTER_NAME>
Alert id: <ID>
Time: <TIME> (UTC)
Severity: <SEVERITY>
Alert attributes:
This alert is sent if the communication is down between the Verba components - Lync Filter and Media Collector and Proxy.
Please note, if the Lync Filter Up alert was sent as well, the connection loss was temporary only.
If only the Lync Filter Down alert was sent, please check if the Front End server (running the Verba Lync filter role) is reachable. If not, contact your IT team.
If the server is reachable, and the Lync Filter Up alert was still not received, please contact the support service and send the log file of the related services - recorderproxy.log, lyncfilter.log
Log files are available under "APPLICATION_FOLDER\log" (by default C:\Program Files\Verba\log) folder on each server.