These placeholders insert the chat messages with the following format:

Possible variants are:
Placeholder | Description |
[IMTranscript3] | Displays the advanced IM transcript in GMT timezone |
[IMTranscript3_HTML] | Displays the advanced IM transcript in the recorded user's timezone |
Field name | Description |
<blueish background first line> | - for peer to peer chats: The name of the recorded user
- for group chats: The list of participants
- for channels: The "team name / channel name"
Conversation Identifier | The unique Verba identifier of the conversation |
Platform Call ID | The unique room identifier of the platform |
Date and time | The date and time of the very first recorded message for this conversation |
From Info | The name of the recorded user |
To Info | - for peer to peer and group chats: The list of participants
- for channels: The "team name / channel name"
Participants | The full list of conversation participants separated by a comma |
Example Codes:
2021.08.07 18:50:27 Smith: How may I help you?
2021.08.07 18:50:53 Joe: Question on my Checking account
2021.08.07 18:50:57 Joe: What is that transfer fee?
2021.08.07 18:51:45 Smith: It was for two wire transfers you did during the month. I notice you have an average balance of $11,00 in your checking account. If you open a 2 year CD for $5,000 with us you can avoid all fees.
2021.08.07 18:51:55 Joe: What is the interest rate?
2021.08.07 18:52:04 Smith: Currently it is 4.25%.
2021.08.07 18:54:20 Joe: Sounds good what do I have to do?
2021.08.07 18:54:30 Smith: I can open the account now and transfer $5,000. Is that what you would like to do?
2021.08.07 18:54:34 Joe: Yes
2021.08.07 18:55:07 Smith: I am sending you the web page link so you can accept the terms of the new account. Anything else I can help you with?
2021.08.07 18:55:14 Joe: Thanks, I got it. That's all.
2021.08.07 18:56:01 Smith: URL pushed: https://www.GoldenWestBank/newacc.asp?accId=a45d7d3ffd2
2021.08.07 18:58:43 Joe: Yeah, I got the page up.
2021.08.07 18:58:49 Smith: Thank you for using Golden West Bank. We appreciate your business.
<h3 style="background-color:#D4E6F1;"> Joe </h3>
<table style="width:100%">
<td><b>Conversation Identifier:</b></td>
<td><b>Platform Call ID:</b></td>
<td><b>Date and time:</b></td>
<td>2021.08.07 18:50:27</td>
<td><b>From Info:</b></td>
<td><b>To Info:</b></td>
<b>Participants:</b><br>Smith (, Joe (
<hr style="height:3px;background-color:#333;border:none">
<p><b>Smith 2021.08.07 18:50:27:</b><br/><span>How may I help you?</span></p>
<p><b>Joe 2021.08.07 18:50:53:</b><br/><span>Question on my Checking account</span></p>
<p><b>Joe 2021.08.07 18:50:57:</b><br/><span>What is that transfer fee?</span></p>
<p><b>Smith 2021.08.07 18:51:45:</b><br/><span>It was for two wire transfers you did during the month. I notice you have an average balance of $11,00 in your checking account. If you open a 2 year CD for $5,000 with us you can avoid all fees.</span></p>
<p><b>Joe 2021.08.07 18:51:55:</b><br/><span>What is the interest rate?</span></p>
<p><b>Smith 2021.08.07 18:52:04:</b><br/><span>Currently it is 4.25%.</span></p>
<p><b>Joe 2021.08.07 18:54:20:</b><br/><span>Sounds good what do I have to do?</span></p>
<p><b>Smith 2021.08.07 18:54:30:</b><br/><span>I can open the account now and transfer $5,000. Is that what you would like to do?</span></p>
<p><b>Joe 2021.08.07 18:54:34:</b><br/><span>Yes</span></p>
<p><b>Smith 2021.08.07 18:55:07:</b><br/><span>I am sending you the web page link so you can accept the terms of the new account. Anything else I can help you with?</span></p>
<p><b>Joe 2021.08.07 18:55:14:</b><br/><span>Thanks, I got it. That's all.</span></p>
<p><b>Smith 2021.08.07 18:56:01:</b><br/><span>URL pushed: https://www.GoldenWestBank/newacc.asp?accId=a45d7d3ffd2</span></p>
<p><b>Joe 2021.08.07 18:58:43:</b><br/><span>Yeah, I got the page up.</span></p>
<p><b>Smith 2021.08.07 18:58:49:</b><br/><span>Thank you for using Golden West Bank. We appreciate your business.</span></p>
Example Mailbox: