S3 Compatible Storage
This page provides a guide to configuring S3 Compatible storage as a Storage Target in Verba. Verint does not certify S3 Compatible storage platforms unless it is specified otherwise. Customers successfully deployed Verba with the following storage platforms using the S3 Compatible storage target:
- Caringo
- NetApp StorageGRID
- Scality RING S3
- Dell ECS
Verba supports both the V2 (REST) and V4 authentication types.
WORM features are also supported in the case of IBM COS, NetApp StorageGRID, Dell ECS, and Scality RING S3 storage, which allows putting retention or Legal Hold on the objects created by Verba. For more information, see WORM.
For a general description of storage targets, please refer to Storage and export targets.
Creating an S3 Compatible storage target
Follow the steps below to create a new Verba Storage target for S3 Compatible storage target:
Step 1 - Open the Verba Web interface, then select Data/Storage Targets from the top menu.
Step 2 - Click Add New Storage Target
Step 3 - Configure as per the following table.
Configuration item | Description |
Name | Name your storage target. This name will identify this target across the system. |
Type | Select S3 Compatible Storage |
Bucket | The name of your bucket Bucket Naming Bucket names must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.) and dashes (-). Do not specify folders or subfolders, the system does NOT support subfolders, only the root folder of the bucket is supported. |
REST Endpoint | Specify the S3 compatible API endpoint. It can be found in the documentation of the storage platform. Do not specify folders or subfolders, the system does NOT support subfolders. |
Enable Object Lock and Legal Hold | Select the checkbox if the object lock feature will be used for retention and legal hold. Supported for IBM COS, NetApp StorageGRID, Dell ECS, and Scality RING S3 storage only. |
Object Lock and Legal Hold | The storage type on which the object lock is used for retention and legal hold. Supported for IBM COS, NetApp StorageGRID, Dell ECS, and Scality RING S3 storage only. Visible when Enable Object Lock and Legal Hold is selected. |
Object Lock Mode | The type of object lock applied. The object lock modes apply different levels of protection to the data. There are two modes:
Supported for NetApp StorageGRID, Dell ECS, and Scality RING S3 storage only. |
Addressing Mode | Specifies the addressing mode used for connecting to the bucket. Virtual Hosted Style: Changes the HTTP HOST header to include the bucket name. Path Style: Sets the bucket in the URL. |
Request Authentication | Select either "AWS Signature Version 2" or "AWS Signature Version 4" according to the supported authentication type of the storage target being used. In the case of IBM COS storage, select "AWS Signature Version 4 IBM". |
Access Key Id | Access Key Id of the S3 compatible storage |
Secret Access Key | Secret Access Key of the S3 compatible storage |
Region | The region of the bucket. Only required if V4 authentication is being used. In the case of on-prem storage, it can be anything. |
Step 4 - Click Save to save the settings.
Forward proxy configuration
To configure a forward proxy for the S3 Compatible storage connections, follow the steps below:
In the Verba menu, navigate to System / Verba Servers, select the appropriate server, then click on the Change Configuration tab.
On this tab, fill in the configuration under Storage Management / Storage Targets / S3 Compatible. See the table below for reference.
Configuration item | Description |
Forward Proxy Address | IP address or FQDN of the forward proxy. When defined, the system will connect through a forward proxy. |
Forward Proxy Port | The port of the forward proxy |
Forward Proxy Username | Username for basic authentication for the forward proxy server |
Forward Proxy Password | Password for basic authentication for the forward proxy server |
TLS connection configuration
By default, Verba uses the server certificate for the TLS connection. Its details can be found under the Server Certificate node in the server configuration.
When needed, a custom certificate can be used instead, and other connection properties can be also changed.
In the Verba menu, navigate to System / Servers, select the appropriate server, then click on the Change Configuration tab.
On this tab, fill out the configuration under Storage Management / Storage Targets / S3 Compatible. See the table below for reference.
Configuration item | Description |
Use HTTPS Protocol | Set to yes, to enable a secure conenction. |
Connection Timeout (ms) | Defines the connection timeout value in milliseconds. |
TLS Key password | Enter the password for the file that contains the certificate keys |
TLS Key file | Specify the file path where the certificate key is stored. |
TLS Certificate | Certificate path. |
TLS CA Certificate | CA certificate path. |