Genesys contact center integration in Cisco environment

Genesys contact center integration in Cisco environment


The Verint Verba platform is capable to gather and stores Genesys contact center metadata. The integration is two-way, Verint Verba sends Verba Conversation ID to the Genesys platform. The solution is based on CTI integration with Genesys T-Server and supports resilient Genesys T-Server configurations.

The Genesys contact center integration is available only for Cisco network-based recording with JTAPI integration.
Tested and verified with Genesys T-Server v8.1.

Pre-installed metadata template for Genesys

A new metadata template is available for Genesys and selective recording is available based on Genesys meta information

Administrators can add any number of new fields can be added, including user-defined Genesys fields by referencing the names.

You can show Genesys metadata as columns in your search results by modifying the Conversation list layout.


Sending Verba Conversation IDs to Genesys


In addition to gathering information from Genesys to Verint Verba, a field can be configured to store to store the Verba Conversation Identifier in Genesys.

Selective recording rules based on Genesys metadata

Selective recording rules are only available for Cisco Network-Based Recording deployments with JTAPI integration.

When the Genesys integration is used, Recording Rules can be created that refer to Genesys metadata fields.

See an example below:

Available metadata fields in a Recording Rule are: Caller Party, Called Party and all Genesys Fields.


After a Recording Rule is created, it can be applied to any Extension on the Extension Configuration page:

You can automate the assignment of Recording Rules to Extensions by referring to the name of the rule in Active Directory synchronization.

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