How to pull the server specific settings after the initial installation
During the installation of the first Media Repository (or Combo) server the default configuration profiles are created in the database. These profiles contain the default setting values for all Verba server roles but don't contain the server-specific values.
When installing an additional Verba server or component, the default setting values belonging to the server role is stored in the server registry, plus the server-specific values provided during the installation. These server-specific values have to be copied to the central database, so the configuration in the registry and the database become synced.
Step 1 - Log in to the Verba Web Interface.
Step 2 - Navigate to the System > Servers menu.
Step 3 -Â Select the first server from the list.
Step 4 - Go to the Change Configuration Settings tab.
Step 5 - A notification will be shown that there are differences between the server registry and the central database. Choose Use configuration only from the server's local registry.
Step 6 - Click Start.
Step 7 - Repeat the steps on all Verba servers and components.