Creating a Trusted Application Pool for the Verba Announcement Service



Create a Pool of Trusted Application Servers

All computers the application runs on must be added to the Lync / Skype for Business topology document. It is recommended that you create a separate computer pool for a trusted application instead of running the application in the same pool where other Lync / Skype for Business services are running. This step involves creating a new pool and adding application servers to it.

You can create the pool for the trusted application servers with the Lync / Skype for Business Server Topolgy Builder.


Step 1. On the Lync Frontend server open the Lync Server Topology Builder.

Step 2. Select the Download Topology from existing deployment.

Step 3. Right click on the Trusted application servers node and select the New Trusted Application Pool option.

Step 4. If you want to install only one Announcement Server select the Single computer pool and enter the FQDN for your Announcement Server, otherwise select the Multiple computer pool and enter the FQDN of you new trusted application pool. Click on the Next.

Step 5. If you selected the Multiple computer pool, add the FQDNs of you Announcement Servers. Click on the Next.

Step 6. Enable the Associate next hop pool checkbox and select your Lync pool where you creating the the Trusted Application Pool from the dropdown list. Click on the Finish.

Step 7. Click on the Action -> Topolgy -> Publish menu, and click Next for publishing the changes.

Optionally the Pool of Trusted Application Servers can be created using PowerShell Cmdlets

Step 1. As a Lync / Skype for Business Administrator launch Lync / Skype for Business Server Management Shell on a computer where it is installed.

Step 2. Create the application pool by running the New-CsTrustedApplicationPool cmdlet. In the following example, the FQDN of the pool of trusted application computers is ''. The Registrar pool FQDN is '', Central Management Store replication is set to 'false', and the site ID is 'contoso'.  The ComputerFqdn parameter specifies the FQDN of the first server in the trusted application pool. FQDN of this server is ''. 

New-CsTrustedApplicationPool -Identity -Registrar -RequiresReplication $false -Site contoso -ComputerFqdn 

The FQDN of the application server should appear in the list of replicas.

Step 3. (Optional) If you want to deploy the recording announcement application on multiple servers, additional servers have to be added to the trusted application pool. Run the New-CsTrustedApplicationComputer cmdlet. In the following example, a new server with an FQDN of '' is added to the trusted application pool whose FQDN is ''.

New-CsTrustedApplicationComputer -Identity -Pool

Step 4. Run the Enable-CsTopology cmdlet to create the appropriate trusted service entries in Active Directory for interoperability with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2.


Add a Trusted Service Port for the Application

To perform the steps of the following procedure, you must be in the Lync Server / Skape for Business Administrator role on the computer where Lync / Skype for Business Server Management Shell is installed. To add a trusted service port for the application:

Step 1. Launch Lync / Skype for Business Server Management Shell on a server where it is isntalled.

Step 2. Add your application to the application pool.

The following PowerShell cmdlet adds an application to the '' application pool, using port 6000, with application ID 'verbaannouncementapplication'. The provided pool name at the TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn have to match to the pool previously created. The application ID can be anything. If using a port other than 6000, then that also have to be configured in the Verba Announcement service configuration.

New-CsTrustedApplication -ApplicationId verbaannouncementapplication -TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn -Port 6000

Step 3. Run the Enable-CsTopology cmdlet to create the appropriate trusted service entries in Active Directory for interoperability with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2.


Using Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Control Panel you can view the application name, trusted application pool FQDN, and application port.

Create Active Directory Contact Object

The Active Directory contact object is similar to an Active Directory user object. This contact object gives the application a virtual identity in the form of a SIP URI or phone number. To create an Active Directory contact object, carry out the following steps. To perform the steps of the following procedure, you must be in the Lync Server Administrator role or Trusted Application Operator role, on a computer on which Lync Server Management Shell is installed. To create Active Directory contact objects:

Step 1. Launch Lync / Skype for Business Server Management Shell on a server where it is isntalled.

Step 2. Add an endpoint for the trusted application. In the following example, a new trusted application endpoint is added to the trusted application with an ID of 'verbaannouncementapplication', running on the trusted application pool whose FQDM is ''. The endpoint is assigned a SIP URI of '' and a display name of 'Announcement Service'. The provided pool name at the TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn and the provided application ID have to match to the pool and application previously created. The SIP URI and the diplay name can be anything.

New-CsTrustedApplicationEndpoint -SipAddress -DisplayName "Announcement Service" -TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn -ApplicationId verbaannouncementapplication

(Optional) Assign dial plan and voice policy for the application endpoint in order to allow transfer calls to PSTN.

You can use one of the following commands to assign a new dial plan to the application endpoint:

Grant-CSDialplan -Identity "" -PolicyName "dial plan display name"

You can use one of the following commands to assign a new voice policy to the application endpoint:

Grant-CsVoicePolicy -Identity "" -PolicyName "voice policy display name"