Installing and configuring the Verba SfB - Lync Announcement service

For a general overview of the function refer to the Announcement article.


The Verba Announcement service is available in the following server roles:

  • Media Repository & Recording Server
  • Media Repository
  • Recording Server
  • Announcement Server

To enable the service, the following tasks need to be executed on all Verba servers where the service needs to be enabled:

Step 1 - Add the Windows user account used during installation to the following groups:

    • CSAdministrator
    • Local Administrator
    • RTCUniversalServerAdmins

Step 2 -  Install the following features on the server(s) if they are not installed already.

    • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0/4.5
    • Media Foundation (Windows Server 2012 or newer) / Desktop Experience (Windows Server 2008 R2)

Step 3 - Install the Microsoft UCMA Runtime 4.0 on the UCMA application servers

Step 4 - Configure your firewalls

Step 5 - Create a Trusted Application Pool/Server in your Skype for Business / Lync environment

Step 6 - Request / assign a certificate for/to the Announcement Server

Step 7 - If there are multiple announcement servers, create a new DNS entry for each server using the pool FQDN.

Installation and service activation

Verba Announcement Server installation

If you want to run the service separately, you need to install a Verba Announcement Server role on dedicated server(s).

Follow the guidelines at Installing a Verba Announcement Server

Enabling the Verba SfB/Lync Announcement service

If you already have the desired server role installed, you just need to enable the service.

Step 1 - Using the web application, navigate to the System / Servers page and select the server.

Step 2 - Click on the Service Activation tab.

Step 3 - Click on the  button for the Verba SfB/Lync AnnouncementService to activate the service.

Configuring the Verba SfB/Lync Announcement Service

When the above steps are completed, the Verba Announcement service can be configured as any other server component in the system using the Verba web interface.

For more information see Configuring Verba recording announcement service.

Configuring Verba components for announcement

Configuring the Verba SfB/Lync Call Filter for announcement

Step 1 - Open the Verba web interface, click on the System / Servers and select the SfB/Lync Front-End / SBA / SBS server, or select the appropriate Configuration Profile at System / Configuration Profiles. 

Step 2 - Go to the Change Configuration Settings tab, then expand the SfB/Lync Call Filter / Recording Announcement node.

Step 3 - Configure the following settings:

Configuration Parameter Name


Sample Value
Recording announcementEnable the announcement featureYes
Recording announcement
for incoming PSTN calls
Enable voice announcement for incoming PSTN calls.Yes
Enable Announcement for
Outgoing PSTN calls
Enable voice announcement for outgoing PSTN calls.Yes
Enable Announcement for
Incoming Federated calls
Enable voice announcement for incoming Federated calls.Yes
Enable Announcement for
Outgoing Federated calls
Enable voice announcement for outgoing Federated calls.Yes
Apply announcement to forwarded callsEnable voice announcement for forwarded calls.Yes
Enable announcement for Team callsSets whether the announcement should be played in the case of all users in the team, or to none of them.Yes
Remove route information
from SIP INVITE messages
Verba Announcement URIThe SIP addresses of the announcement service. If there are multiple announcement service pools, then all SIP addresses have to be provided, separated by a new
Internal Number PatternDefines the internal numbers^(([4-9][0-9]{3})|[\+]?[0-9]{5})$
Internal SIP DomainsDefines the internal SIP domains. One at each
Verba Announcement servicesConfigure the installed announcement servicesannouncementserver:10210|ComputerGRUU
Lync/SfB Contact Center UCMA B2B AgentsList of user agents where the announcement should not be played, separated by a new line.

RTCC/ ice
RTCC/ ice
RTCC/ ice

Step 4 - Click the  icon to save your settings.

Step 5 - The system will notify you that the changes need to be applied to the server by restarting the involved services. Execute the required tasks.

Step 6 - Repeat the steps on each Front-End / SBA / SBS server.

Configuring the Verba Media Collector and Proxy for announcement

Step 1 - Open the Verba web interface, click on the System / Servers and select the Verba Media Collector and Proxy (Proxy Server, Edge Server or Mediation server in case of mediation based recording), or select the appropriate Configuration Profile at System / Configuration Profiles. 

Step 2 - Go to the Change Configuration Settings tab. Expand the Media Collector and Proxy node.

Step 3 - Under the General section provide the SIP URI of the announcement service(s) at the Announcement Service Uris setting.

Step 4 - Click the  icon to save your settings.

Step 5 - The system will notify you that the changes need to be applied to the server by restarting the involved services. Execute the required tasks.

Step 6 - Repeat the steps on each Proxy Server, Edge server or Mediation server in case of mediation based recording.

Configuring the Verba Passive Recorder for conference call announcement

Step 1 - Open the Verba web interface, click on the System / Servers and select the Recorder Server, or select the appropriate Configuration Profile at System / Configuration Profiles. 

Step 2 - Go to the Change Configuration Settings tab, then expand the Passive Recorder / Recording Announcement for Lync Conference node.

Step 3 - Configure the following settings:

Configuration Parameter Name


Sample Value
Announcement Service Urls

Conference call announcement settings in the following format:

https://announcement_server_IP_or_hostname:12222|Priority or List of IP addresses of FE/AVMCU servers

  • Priority: The recorder service will balance the load amongst the announcement services with the same priority.
  • FE / AVMCU Preference: The recorder service selects the announcement service based on the IP address of the SfB/Lync FE / AVMCU used of the conference call in order to ensure that the same announcement service is selected by different recording services (even different recording services in different Verba clusters). In this case, there is no dynamic load balancing, and the FE / AVMCU IP addresses have to be split across multiple announcement servers manually in the configuration.


 Configuration for large multi-site deployments

The configuration should consist of two parts:

  • In the first part, the frontend IPs has to be assigned to the announcement servers. Each line represents an announcement server. Every announcement server has to be represented only once. Multiple IPs can be assigned to the same announcement server, but an individual IP can be assigned to only one announcement server (so an IP should show up only in one line). This part represents the primary announcement servers for each frontend. This part should be the same at all recorder configuration, regardless the site! Example:
  • The second part represents the failover announcement servers. This part can vary per site, based on the nearest announcement server. At this part, the priority should be set instead of the list of the IPs. For example:

So for example, the final configuration for Site1 should be something like this:

Load balancing and failover configuration with priorities (2 announcement servers per datacenter):|0|0|1|1

Load balancing and failover configuration with FE / AVMCU preference (1 announcement server per data center):|,,|, 

Announcement Service UrisThe SIP addresses of the announcement service, one in a line. Required for hiding transfer information in metadata.

Step 4 - Click the  icon to save your settings.

Step 5 - The system will notify you that the changes need to be applied to the server by restarting the involved services. Execute the required tasks.

Step 6 - Repeat the steps on each Recording Server.

Configuring custom prompts for users (optional)

Available in version 8.3 and later

It is possible to configure custom notification sounds on a per user basis. To achieve this follow these steps:

Step 1 - Login to the Announcement server, and go to the C:\Program Files\Verba\resources\announcement folder.

Step 2 - Copy the .wma files to the conference, inbound and outbound folders.

Step 3 - Open the Verba web interface, click on the System / Servers and select the Media Repository server, or select the appropriate Configuration Profile at System / Configuration Profiles. 

Step 4 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab. Expand the Web Application section.

Step 5 - Expand the Lync recording Announcement node, and add the names of the .wma files to the PSTN Inbound Announcement Prompt Files and the Conference Announcement Prompt Files, one in a line .

Step 6 - Click the  icon to save your settings.

Step 7 - The system will notify you that the changes need to be applied to the server by restarting the involved services. Execute the required tasks.

Step 8 - Repeat the steps on each Media Repository server.

To configure the custom prompt for the users please see the User Configuration configuration.

Configuring announcement transfer hiding (optional)

Available in version 8.3 and later

It is possible to hide the announcement transfer information using Verba Announcement service. To achieve this follow these steps:

Step 1 - Open the Verba web interface, click on the System / Servers and select the SfB/Lync Front-End / SBA / SBS server, or select the appropriate Configuration Profile at System / Configuration Profiles. 

Step 2 - Go to the Change Configuration Settings tab, then expand the SfB/Lync Call Filter / Recording Announcement node.

Step 3 - Set Hide transfer information from Announcement service to Yes.

Step 4 - Click the  icon to save your settings.

Step 5 - The system will notify you that the changes need to be applied to the server by restarting the involved services. Execute the required tasks.

Step 6 - Repeat steps 1-5 on each SfB/Lync Front-End / SBA / SBS servers.

Step 7 - Navigate to System / Servers and select the Recording Server, or select the appropriate Configuration Profile at System / Configuration Profiles. 

Step 8 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab. Expand the Passive Recorder / Recording Announcement for Lync Conference section.

Step 9 - At Announcement Service Uris, enter the SIP address of your announcement services.

Step 10 - Click the  icon to save your settings.

Step 11 - The system will notify you that the changes need to be applied to the server by restarting the involved services. Execute the required tasks.

Step 12 - Repeat steps 7-11 on each Recording Servers.

Configuring redirect on failed transfer (optional)

Available in version 9.0 and later

In the case of the incoming calls, it is possible to also play announcement when the callee is not available actually. In the cases like this, an alternative destination has to be specified where the incoming call will terminate instead of the original callee.

Step 1 - Open the Verba web interface, click on the System / Servers and select the Announcement server, or select the appropriate Configuration Profile at System / Configuration Profiles.

Step 2 - Go to the Change Configuration Settings tab, then expand the SfB/Lync Recording Announcement / Advanced node.

Step 3 - Redirect targets can be configured at the "Redirect Targets for Failed Transfers" setting. The format is the following: sip_ui_or_line_number|response_code

One can be provided in each line. If the transfer fails, the service will try to redirect the call to the target with the matching response code. Wildcard (x) can be used in the response code. 


In this example, if the callee returns a busy (486) response, then the incoming call will be transferred to

If the callee doesn't answer the call, just returns a timeout (408), then the incoming call will be transferred to

In the case of all other response codes starting with 4, the service will try to transfer the call to, since it matching to all response codes starting with 4.

For the list of the response codes, see:

Step 4 - Click the  icon to save your settings. 

Step 5 - The system will notify you that the changes need to be applied to the server by restarting the involved services. Execute the required tasks.

Step 6 - Repeat steps 1-5 on each Recording Servers.