Microsoft Teams Bot Service: Recorder overloaded Alert

Microsoft Teams Bot Service: Recorder overloaded Alert

Recorder overloaded Alert


Alert: Recorder overloaded
Computer name: <COMPUTER_NAME>
Alert id: .122.0.9
Time: <TIME> (UTC)
Severity: Critical

Recorder overloaded

Alert attributes:
Description (OID: .200.1): Verba Unified Call Recorder Service has overloaded at <Hostname>

Performance metrics in keep-alive: CallCount: <int>
MediaCallCount: <int>
MediaDiskFreeMbytes: <int>
MediaDiskFreePercent: <int>
NetworkUtilizationMbps: <int>
NetworkUtilizationPercent: <int>
OndemandDiskFreeMbytes: <int>
OndemandDiskFreePercent: <int>
Overloaded: <int>
ProcCpuUtilizationPercent: <int>
TotalCpuUtilizationPercent: <int>

Hostname (OID: .200.3): <Hostname>


This alert is sent if any of the underlying recorder services became overloaded.



If you receive such an alert, please contact the support service and send the teamsbot.log from the Verba Bot Server.

Log files are available under "APPLICATION_FOLDER\log" (by default C:\Program Files\Verba\log) folder on each server.