Unified Call Recorder Service: Media loss start Alert


Media loss start Alert

Alert: Media loss start

Service: Unified Recorder

Computer name: <COMPUTER_NAME>

Alert id: .115.0.48

Time: <TIME> (UTC)

Severity: ERROR



Media stream is lost (no RTP/RTCP in the last 10 seconds):

  • call (VOX/media record session) information


Alert attributes:

User id (OID: .200.15): <Recorded user>
Call id (OID: .200.5): <CDR unique id>


The recorder service does not receive media or receives media with significant packet loss, despite the session looking healthy on the signalling level.


  • Check server load.

  • Check network connectivity, firewalls between recorder and media source.

  • Log the user in again on the affected turrets.