Unified Call Recorder Service: Long, possibly stuck call Alert

Unified Call Recorder Service: Long, possibly stuck call Alert


Long, possibly stuck call Alert

Alert: Long, possibly stuck call

Service: Unified Recorder

Computer name: <COMPUTER_NAME>

Alert id: .115.0.50

Time: <TIME> (UTC)

Severity: ERROR



Long, possibly stuck call found:

  • call information

  • call uptime


Alert attributes:

User id (OID: .200.15): <Recorded user>
Call id (OID: .200.5): <CDR unique id>


The recorder detects a voice or trader voice handset call that is ongoing for longer than a specified threshold. If segmentation is configured, the total length of all segments are evaluated for this threshold.


Verify if this is an ongoing call or if the line was left open accidentally.