Configuring the Verba Unified IM Recorder Service on the Media Recorder Servers

Configuring the Verba Unified IM Recorder Service on the Media Recorder Servers

This configuration guide described how to configure the Verba Unified IM Recorder service on a Recording Server (Media Recorder) in the case of a highly available environment.

In order to complete the steps below, you must have the System Administrator role in Verba.

Azure Active Directory is now Microsoft Entra ID.

The configuration consists of the following steps:

Enabling the service

Step 1 - Log in to the Verba web interface and go to System \ Servers menu.

Step 2 - Select your Recording Server (Media Recorder) from the list, then click on the Service Activation tab.

Step 3 - Activate the Verba Unified IM Recorder Service by clicking on the  icon.

Step 4 - Repeat Steps 1-3 for all Media Recorder servers.

Configuring the Verba Unified IM Recorder Service as Media Recorder

Step 5 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab.

Step 6 - Expand the Unified IM Recorder \ General node.

Step 7 - Set the Role setting to Recorder Only.

Step 8 - Expand the Processing Queues node.

Step 9 - Provide the Number of Processing Queues Owned by Recorder Role setting. This setting determines the number of processing threads on the Media Recorder. This has to be the same on all Media Recorder servers.

Step 10 - Provide the network path of the processing queue root folder at the SMB Queues Path setting.

Step 11 - Provide a windows domain user credential at the SMB Credential, User and the SMB Credential, Password settings. The service will use this user when accessing the folder provided at the SMB Queues Path setting.

Step 12 - Expand the Recording Providers \ Microsoft Teams node.

Step 13 - At the Microsoft Teams setting, click on the  icon to add a new connection.

Step 14 - In the left panel, provide the following settings:

Setting NameDescription
Application (Client) ID

The ID of the App Registration

(Registering an App for Chat Recording in Azure - Step 6 or Registering the Microsoft Teams Bot in Azure - Step 13)

Application (Client) Secret

The secret created for the App Registration

(Registering an App for Chat Recording in Azure - Step 10 or Registering the Microsoft Teams Bot in Azure - Step 17)

Directory (Tenant) ID

The ID of the Microsoft Entra tenant where the App Registration was created

(Registering an App for Chat Recording in Azure - Step 6 or Registering the Microsoft Teams Bot in Azure - Step 29)

Notification URL

The notification URL of the Unified IM Recorder service. The format is the following: https://server_CNAME.domain.com:3333/msteams. Note: in case you're using any kind of network element that accepts incoming messages from Microsoft Teams servers and forwards it to your recorder(s), here you should use the port opened on that network element (not necessarily 3333). The port the recorder awaits messages on is configured in the next field.

The Microsoft Graph API limits the subscriptions to resources on the same Tenant and AppID to 1. Because of this, the only correct way to create a highly available configuration with 2 Recording Directors is to configure recorders with the same Notification URL and Connection Encryption Certificate, and set the notification URL for a load balancer that distributes incoming requests between the running recorders. If configurations differ and multiple recorders are set up for the same Tenant and AppId, because of the Microsoft API limit of 1 subscription, each recorder will constantly delete other recorders' subscriptions and create their own.

Event Listener PortThe event listener port of the Unified IM Recorder service. Set it to 3333.
Connection Encryption Certificate

The thumbprint of the certificate that is used for the connection. The certificate has to reside in the Windows Certificate Store. The same certificate has to be used for all Teams connections on all the servers.

Alternatively, a certificate file can be used instead of the Windows Certificate Store. In this case, the path to the .crt file has to be provided.

Connection Encryption Key fileIf the file path is provided at the Connection Encryption Certificate setting, then the path to the .key file has to be provided here.
Connection Encryption Key file password If the file path is provided at the Connection Encryption Certificate setting, then the password of the .key file has to be provided here.
Connection Encryption trust listThe thumbprint of the incoming connection certificates that should be trusted, or the thumbprint of the CA certificates whose certificates should be trusted. If left empty, all certificates will be trusted.
Disable P2P/Group Chat SubscriptionSets whether the P2P or group chats should be recorded or not.
Disable Team/Channel Chat SubscriptionSets whether the Team or Channel chats should be recorded or not.
Forward Proxy AddressIf a forward proxy is being used for the outgoing connection, then the proxy address has to be provided here.
Forward Proxy PortThe port of the forward proxy connection.
Forward Proxy UserThe user of the forward proxy connection. Required, if the proxy requires authentication.
Forward Proxy PasswordThe password of the forward proxy connection. Required, if the proxy requires authentication.
Licensing Model
The licensing model that is used for the chat archiving integration. The following licensing models are available:
  • A: Applications performing a security or compliance function, and requires a supported license.

  • B: Applications that do not perform a security or compliance function.

  • Evaluation Mode (default): enables access to APIs with limited usage per requesting application for evaluation purposes.

More information: Licensing and payment requirements - Microsoft Graph

Step 15 - Click Save.

Step 16 - Repeat steps 13-15 for every Microsoft Teams connection.

Step 17 - Save the changes by clicking on the  icon.

Step 18 - Repeat Steps 5-17 for all Media Recorder servers.

Step 19 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, so you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.

Starting the service

Step 20 - Click on the Service Control tab.

Step 21 - Start the Verba Unified IM Recorder Service by clicking on the  icon.

Step 22 - Repeat Step 21 for all Media Recorder servers.

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