Conversation lists and actions
Conversations lists can be accessed from various parts of the user interface including the following:
- Clicking on the Conversation menu item
- Selecting Conversations / Search submenu and filling in the criteria
- Selecting Conversations / Ongoing Conversations submenu
- Loading a previously saved query from Conversations / Saved Queries
The conversation list is displayed in a tabular format where the columns can be configured by the administrator or the user can personalize it using the System / Conversation List Layout menu.
Every conversation list displays the calls ordered by date and time (in descending order). This means that the most recently recorded conversation is the first, while the oldest conversation is the last one in the list.
Predefined queries (not initiated from the Search menu) cannot be filtered further. The result list will contain every recorded conversation that meets the predefined criteria. E.g. selecting Conversations / Ongoing Conversations submenu will show every ongoing call of the logged in user.
Use the Search page to narrow down the call list.
If a security profile has a "search window" limit set, then only conversations recorded in the last x hours can be listed. A message informs the user about this at the top of every conversation list.
Small Letter Icon
When the conversation includes a desktop screen recording, then an S icon is shown in the call list.
Using the Conversation List
- Conversation fields
- Conversation list layout
- Conversation list navigation bar
- Delete conversations
- Downloading a single media file
- Get direct link
- Metadata columns on conversation lists
- Ongoing conversations
- Playback and download multiple records simultaneously
- Playing back recorded conversations
- Presentation of complex conversation scenarios
- Private conversations
- Right click options on conversation lists
- Sending an email
- Silent monitoring ongoing conversations
- Timeline View