Configuring Broadworks for SIPREC based call recording

Configuring Broadworks for SIPREC based call recording

 In order to use the Broadsoft SIPREC interface configuration of PBX is required.

Application Server Provisioning Steps

Step 1 - Activate the service feature as follows:

AS_CLI/System/ActivatableFeature> activate 46941

Feature details:

    • Activatable Feature ID: 46941.

    • Activatable Feature Name: Call Recording.

    • Dependencies: FR 140637 “Enable CDR schema version R17 SP4 for Activatable Features”.

Step 2 - Add call recording platform:

AS_CLI/Service/CallRecording/add [name] [netAddress] [port] [transportType] [mediaStream] description [description label]


The name of the recording platform. ( 1-80 characters)


This is the FQDN, host, or IP address of the recording platform.


This is the address port of the recording platform. ( Integer 1 to 65535 ). 


This is the SIP interface type (“UDP”, “TCP”, “Unspecified”).


This is the type of media stream defined either as “dual” or “single” stream.

description value

This is the description of this recording platform.


AS_CLI/Service/CallRecording> add platformA RD_FQDN 5065 TCP dual description RecordingDeviceFQDN


Step 3 - Set the Default Call Recording Platform

AS_CLI/Service/CallRecording/set [name] systemDefault true

  • Check firewall rules and allow connection between recorders and Broadsoft platform. You can check/control SIP and RTP listening address range in recorder configuration.
  • Ensure Verba Dial-in Recorder server is listening on the provisioned address. We recommend using static IP and referencing the recorder by IP instead of NETBIOS/DNS name.

BroadWorks Call Recording Service Administration Configuration

The following menus have been modified to add links to the new BroadWorks Recording Services  page:

ServiceProvider/Enterprise → Resources→ Services

Group → Resources → Services

User → Call Control

The following pages have been added to support the new BroadWorks Call Recording service:

Service Provider/Enterprise → Utilities → Feature Access Codes

Group → Utilities → Feature Access Codes

User  Call Control  BroadWorks Call Recording (administrator view)

User  Call Control  BroadWorks Call Recording (user view)


Step 1 - Under Service Provider/EnterPrise/Resources/Services enable Call Recording and set appropriate limitation. This will authorize call recording service for provider/enterprise

Step 2 - Under Service Provider/EnterPrise/Utilities/Feature Access Codes set appropriate FAC for on demand call keep/record command

Step 3 - Under Group/Resources/Services enable Call Recording and set appropriate limitation for the intended group. This will authorize call recording service at group level if service is authorized for the provider/enterprise to which it belongs 

Step 4 - Under Group/Utilities/Feature Access Codes set appropriate FAC for on demand call keep/record command. You can configure this at group level as well.

Step 5 - Under Group/Resources/Call Recording Platform select the previously provisioned call recording platform

Step 6 - Under User/Profile/Assign Services add Call Recording service to the user

Step 7 - Under User/Call Control/Call Recording select the desired call recording mode

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