Call detail field visibility

All fields of the call detail records can be turned on and off on the web interface.

In the Verba registry there are two parameters that allow configuration of the visibility of field items:

Registry value


Verba / Web /

List of CDR fields to hide from all users
(valid for environment 0000 in a multi-tenant system) 

Verba / Web /
List of CDR fields to hide from non admin users
(valid for environment 0000 in a multi-tenant system) 
Verba / Web /
List of CDR fields to hide from all users in a multi-tenant system
(not valid for environment 0000)
Verba / Web /
List of CDR fields to hide from non administrator users in a multi-tenant system
(not valid for environment 0000)

Parameter format example: [quick_search] [phone_number]
where quick_search and phone_number are examples of two field names.

See the following table for possible field names and their effect on the various pages in the web application:

Field name

On the search page

On the call list page

On the call details page
quick_searchThe whole Quick Search tab  
timezoneBasic Search / Timezone  
environmentBasic Search / Environment  
durationBasic Search / Duration intervalDurationDuration
phone_numberBasic Search / Phone number  
advanced_searchThe whole Advanced Search tab  
source_caller_idAdvanced Search / Caller Party Phone NumberCaller Phone NumberCaller Party Phone Number
destination_caller_idAdvanced Search / Called Party Phone NumberCalled Phone NumberCalled Party Phone Number
source_nameAdvanced Search / System Caller Party NameCaller Name (System)System Caller Party Name
destination_nameAdvanced Search / System Called Party NameCalled Name (System)System Called Party Name
source_user_nameAdvanced Search / Verba Caller Party NameCaller Name (Verba)Verba Caller Party Name
destination_user_nameAdvanced Search / Verba Called Party NameCalled Name (Verba)Verba Called Party Name
userAdvanced Search / User  
groupAdvanced Search / Group  
directionAdvanced Search / Call DirectionDirectionCall Direction
locationAdvanced Search / Recording ServerLocationRecording Server
ccdr_idAdvanced Search / Call Identifier Call Identifier
source_ipAdvanced Search / Caller Party IP Address Caller Party IP Address
destination_ipAdvanced Search / Called Party IP Address Called Party IP Address
call_typeAdvanced Search / Call Type  
archive_statusAdvanced Search / Display archived calls tooArchive StatusArchived
comment_fieldsThe whole Comment Fields tabAll of the comment fieldsList of existing comments and
Add new comments sections are invisible
cause EndEnd
start_date_time Start DateTime, Start Date, Start TimeCall Start
end_date_time End DateTime, End Date, End TimeCall End
fileformat_id File FormatFile format
audio_codec Audio CodecAudio codec
video_codec Video CodecVideo Codec
videothumbnail Video Thumbnail 
native_id  Technical Call Identifier
platform_call_idAdvanced Search / Platform Call IDPlatform Call IDPlatform Call ID
data_retention_events  Data Retention Events
call_participants  Call Participants