Product feature visibility

Product feature visibility

Many functions of the service provider product can be removed from the user interface to customize the end-user experience.

In the Verba registry there are two parameters that allow configuration of the visibility of product features:

Registry value


Verba / Web /
List of features to hide from all users
(valid for environment 0000 in a multi-tenant system)
Verba / Web /
List of features to hide from non admin users
(valid for environment 0000 in a multi-tenant system) 
Verba / Web /
List of features to hide from all users in a multi-tenant system
(not valid for environment 0000)
Verba / Web /
List of features to hide from non administrator users in a multi-tenant system
(not valid for environment 0000)

Parameter format example: [chpass] [downloads]
where chpass and downloads are examples of two feature names.

The following table describes the internal names of the features to be used in the above two fields:

Internal name



Call list layout configuration
CallExportOptionDownloadAll Download all calls link
UserAddNew User add new link
UserDelete User delete button
UserFieldType User type field
UserFieldPassword Right to use
UserRecorderLinePIN Recorder Line PIN setting
UserRightSilentMonitor Right to use silent monitoring
UserRightComment Right to use commenting
UserRightReporting Right to use reporting
UserRightUseIVR Right to use dial-in recorder
GroupLogo Group logo
GroupMetadata Group associated meta data templates
GroupQueries Group Queries feature/link
GroupRightAdministrator all references to Group Administrator function
GroupDefault Default group
ExtensionDetail Extension detail page
DataRetentionDetail Retention detail page
OngoingRefreshAutomated refresh function on the ongoing calls screen

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