Azure configuration for VFC SAML Identity Provider
Step 1 - Log in to the Azure portal.
Step 2 - In the search field on the top, search for Enterprise applications.
Step 3 - Click New application.
Step 4 - Click Create your own application.
Step 5 - In the right panel, provide a name for the application, and choose the Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery) option.
Step 6 - Click Create.
Step 7 - Once the application creation is done, select the Single sing-on menu.
Step 8 - Select SAML.
Step 9 - At the Basic SAML Configuration section, click Edit.
Step 10 - In the right panel, under the Identifier (Entity ID) section, click Add identifier, and provide the VFC Application Server address in the following format: https://server_fqdn/verba
Step 11 - Under the Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) section, click Add reply URL, and provide the VFC Application Server address in the following format: https://server_fqdn/verba/saml
Step 12 - Under the Sign on URL (Optional) section, provide the VFC Application Server address in the following format: https://server_fqdn/verba
Step 13 - Click Save.
Step 14 - Under the SAML Certificates section, download the Certificate (Base64). This will be required in the VFC configuration.
Step 15 (Optional) - Configure the Verification certificates
Step 16 - Under the Set up [app name] section, copy the Login URL. This will be required in the VFC configuration.
Step 17 - Under the Set up [app name] section, copy the Microsoft Entra Identifier. This will be required in the VFC configuration.
Step 18 - In the Properties menu, configure the Assignment required? setting. If it is set to Yes, then users have the bo assigned.