AD FS configuration for VFC SAML Identity Provider

AD FS configuration for VFC SAML Identity Provider

The following steps are are for Windows Server 2019. The required steps may be different in other Windows Server versions.

Step 1 - Log in to the ADFS server, and open the AD FS Management console.

Step 2 - In the right panel, right-click on the Relying Party Trusts and select Add New Relying Party Trust.

Step 3 - On the first page, select Claims aware, then click Start.

Step 4 - On the next page, select “Enter data about the relying party manually”, then click Next.

Step 5 - Enter a Display Name for the relying party, then click Next. This can be anything.

Step 6 - On the Configure Certificate page, just click Next.

Step 7 - On the Configure URL page, tick the checkbox at the “Enable Support for SAML 2.0 WebSSO protocol“ and provide the URL of the VFC server in the following format: https://server-fqdn/verba/saml/

Then click Next.

Step 8 - On the Configure Identifiers page, add the URL of the VFC server in the following format: https://server-fqdn/verba

Then click Next.

Step 9 - On the Choose Access Control page, just click Next.

Step 11 - On the next page click Next then Close.

Step 12 - In the Edit Claim Issuance Policy window, click Add Rule.

Step 13 - Select “Send LDAP Attributes as Claims” then click Next.

Step 14 - Provide a Claim rule name, then under the Attribute Store select Active Directory.

Step 15 - In the table, under the LDAP Attribute select SAM-Account-Name, and under the Outgoing Claim Type select Name ID. Click Finish.

Step 16 - Click Apply then OK.

Step 17 - In the right panel, expand the Service \ Certificates node.

Step 18 - Under the Token Signing certificates, select the primary one.

Step 19 - Go to the Details tab, then click Copy to File.

Step 20 - Select Base-64 encoded X.509.

Step 21 - Provide a file name, then save the certificate. The contents of the file will be required in the VFC configuration.







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