In order to access service control and activation for a given Verba server follow these steps:
Step 1 - Select Administration / Verba Servers menu item (requires System Administrator rights for your user)
Step 2 - Click on the row of the server you want to manage (in your system there might be only one server)
Step 3 - On the server configuration page you will find the Service Control and the Service Activation tabs
Service Activation
Under the Service Activation tab, the startup type of the Verba services can be set. The configuration of the not activated (disabled startup type) services won't be shown under the Change Configuration Settings tab.
The following table describes the available features for the services:
Service Control
The following table describes the available features:
Using the log viewer
After selecting the View Service Log button for a service, the system loads the most recent lines from the service log.

The following table describes the available features:
Icon | Feature | Description |
 | Toggle log tail follow | If this option is enabled, the system automatically refreshes the log panel with the latest service log file content and scrolls the panel to the end. |
 | Toggle line wrapping | If this option is enabled the log lines are wrapped to fit into the log window. |
 | Toggle log filter | Enables log filtering using the expression entered into the input box. |
 | Clear log buffer | Clears the log buffer on the screen. |