Deploying the VFC Record Teams Application on the Organization's MS Teams Tenant

In order to complete the steps below, you must have the appropriate privileges within the Organization's Microsoft Teams Tenant to create and publish a Teams Application.

Deploying the VFC Record Teams Application on the Organization's MS Teams Tenant consists of the following steps:

Adding the VFC Record Teams App

Step 1 - Logon in to MS Teams Developer Portal 

Step 2 - Navigate to “Apps”, and click on “New app“

Step 3 - Give the application a name "VFC Record" and click on “Add”.   

Step 4 - Make a note of the App's generated App ID.

Step 5 - Register an Azure AD Application for the Teams App.  Logon to Microsoft Azure with an admin account of the tenant’s, navigate to "App registrations" area and register a new app

    • Give it a name: Example “VFCRecording Control App”

    • Choose "Accounts in this organizational directory only (* only - Single tenant)" in "Supported Account types"

    • Leave "Redirect URI" empty.

    • Make a note of the app’s generated "Application (client) ID" and "Directory (tenant) ID"

Configure the Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) Application

Step 6 - The application focus should be under the newly registered app, go to Authentication page.  Replace [VERBA-BASE-URI] in the following URIs with the base URI of Verba Web Application server and them to a new Web platform:

Step 7 - Replace [VERBA-BASE-URI] in the following URIs with the base URI of Verba Web Application server, [AZURE-APP-ID] with the Azure app id you noted above, and add them to a new SPA platform:

    • [VERBA-BASE-URI]/ssoMsal

    • [VERBA-BASE-URI]/msTeamsApp/spa/auth-end.html?clientId=[AZURE-APP-ID]

    • [VERBA-BASE-URI]/msTeamsApp/spa/blank-auth-end.html

Step 8 - Enter a dummy URL for “Front-channel logout URL”. Example It’s not used in the VFC Record Teams application.

Check off these 2 options:

    • Access tokens (used for implicit flows)

    • ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)

Step 9 - Save all the changes

Configuring Permissions. 

Step 10 - Create a new  client secret. Take note of the ID and Value.

Step 11 - Under "API permissions", add these permissions:

Microsoft Graph (8): these are part of Microsoft Graph.

    • Directory.Read.All : this and the next 2 are "Applicaiton" permissions. Used for user sync with Verba server.

    • Group.Read.All

    • User.Read.All

    • User.Read (this is already there by default)

    • email: this and the next 3 are "delegated permissions", of "OpenId permissions"

    • offline_access

    • openid

    • profile

Step 12 - Under "Expose an API", set "Application ID URI" to "api://[VERBA-SERVER-DOMAIN-NAME]/[AZURE-APP-ID]"

Example "api://"

Step 13 -  Add a new scope, for example "access-as-user", and enable the scope.  Configure "Admins and users" for "Who can consent?" property

Enter the following consent message for admins:

    •   Read user files

    •   Allows the app to read the signed-in user's files

Enter the following consent message for users:

    •   Read your files

    •   Allows the app to read your files

Under "Authorized client applications" section, add these 2 client ids (for desktop/mobile MS Teams  and webbase MS Teams), These are to allow MS Teams to request permission for access

    • 5e3ce6c0-2b1f-4285-8d4b-75ee78787346

    • 1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264

Under Manifest, update "accessTokenAcceptedVersion" field to 2: