Verba PowerShell Deployment Library

Verba PowerShell Deployment Library

The Verba PowerShell library makes it possible to automate functions, that would normally need to be done manually.

The available commands are detailed in the table below.

Install-RemoteVerbaServer -Host $host -Role $role [-WindowsAuth] [-sqlAuth]
-SqlServerAddress $sqlserveraddress-DatabaseName $databasename
-SqlUser $sqluser -SqlPassword $sqlpassword -WindowsUser $windowsuser
-WindowsPassword $windowspassword -Installerpath $installerpath
-ManagementAddress $managementaddress -MrPoolName $mrpoolname
-MrPort $mrport -Cloudmode $cloudmode -TokenPassword $tokenpassword
-Path $path 
  • Host
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server where the Verba software will be installed 
  • Role
    Tyte: String
    The Verba server role to be installed.
  • WindowsAuth
    Type: Switch
    Sets whether windows authentication will be used for the SQL access.
  • sqlAuth
    Type: Switch
    Sets whether SQL authentication will be used for the SQL access.
  • SqlServerAddress
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server where the Verba database hosted.
  • DatabaseName
    Type: String
    The name of the Verba database.
  • SqlUser
    Type: String
    The SQL user name to be used if the -sqlAuth switch is used
  • SqlPassword
    Type: String
    The SQL password to be used if the -sqlAuth switch is used
  • WindowsUser
    Type: String
    The windows user name to be used if the -WindowsAuth switch is used
  • WindowsPassword
    Type: String
    The windows password to be used if the -WindowsAuth switch is used
  • InstallerPath
    Type: String
    The path to the Verba executables.
  • ManagementAddress
    Type: String
    The IP address of the server
  • MrPoolName
    Type: String
    The name of the Media Repository pool if the -Cloudmode is set to 1
  • MrPort
    Type: Int
    Default: 4432
    The registration port of the Media Repository if the -Cloudmode is set to 1
  • Cloudmode
    Type: Int
    Default: 0
    Sets whether the cloud mode is turned on.
  • TokenPassword
    Type: String
    The token password if the -Cloudmode is set to 1.
  • Path
    Type: String
    Default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Verba"
    The installation folder
Installs the Verba software on the provided host based on the provided parameters.

Install-VerbaApplication -Role $role [-WindowsAuth] [-sqlAuth]
-SqlServerAddress $sqlserveraddress -DatabaseName $databasename
-SqlUser $sqluser -SqlPassword $sqlpassword -WindowsUser $windowsuser
-WindowsPassword $windowspassword -Installerpath $installerpath
-ManagementAddress $managementaddress -MrPoolName $mrpoolname
-MrPort $mrport -Cloudmode $cloudmode -TokenPassword $tokenpassword
-Path $path  

  • Role
    Tyte: String
    The Verba server role to be installed.
  • WindowsAuth
    Type: Switch
    Sets whether windows authentication will be used for the SQL access.
  • sqlAuth
    Type: Switch
    Sets whether SQL authentication will be used for the SQL access.
  • SqlServerAddress
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server where the Verba database hosted.
  • DatabaseName
    Type: String
    Default: "verba"
    The name of the Verba database.
  • SqlUser
    Type: String
    Default: "sa"
    The SQL user name to be used if the -sqlAuth switch is used
  • SqlPassword
    Type: String
    The SQL password to be used if the -sqlAuth switch is used
  • WindowsUser
    Type: String
    Default: "VERBALABS\Administrator"
    The windows user name to be used if the -WindowsAuth switch is used
  • WindowsPassword
    Type: String
    The windows password to be used if the -WindowsAuth switch is used
  • InstallerPath
    Type: String
    The path to the Verba executables.
  • ManagementAddress
    Type: String
    Default: The IP address of the host provided at the -SqlServerAddress
    The IP address of the server
  • MrPoolName
    Type: String
    The name of the Media Repository pool if the -Cloudmode is set to 1
  • MrPort
    Type: Int
    Default: 4432
    The registration port of the Media Repository if the -Cloudmode is set to 1
  • Cloudmode
    Type: Int
    Default: 0
    Sets whether the cloud mode is turned on.
  • TokenPassword
    Type: String
    The token password if the -Cloudmode is set to 1.
  • Path
    Type: String
    Default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Verba"
    The installation folder
Installs the Verba software on the local host based on the provided parameters.
Get-VerbaManageemntIP -Hostname $hostname
  • Hostname
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server 
Returns the IP address of the provided host.
Set-MultstringRegValue -Hostname $hostname -Subkey $subkey
-Value $value -Arr $arr
  • Hostname
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server 
  • Subkey
    Type: String
     The path to the registry key
  • Value
    Type: String
    The name of the value to change
  • Arr
    Type: String[]
     The multi-string data to set
Sets a multi-string registry value on the provided host.
Copy-VerbaInstaller -Hostname $hostname -Role $role
-WorkingFolder $workingfolder $Source $source
  • Hostname
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server
  • Role
    Type: String
    The role to be installed
  • WorkingFolder
    Type: String
    The temporary folder to be created on the server
  • Source
    Type: String
    The path to the folder where the executables can be found 
Copyes the executables from the source folder to the work folder on the provided host.
Install-VerbaDatabase -DbHost $dbhost -DbName $dbname -SqlUser $sqluser
-SqlPassword $sqlpassword -sqlScriptFolder [-WinAuth]
  • DbHost
    Type: String
    The hostname of the SQL server
  • DbName
    Type: String
    The name of the Verba database
  • SqlUser
    Type: String
    The username to be used for the SQL connection
  • sqlPassword
    Type: String
    The password to be used for the SQL connection
  • sqlScriptFolder
    Type: String
    Default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Verba\resources\db"
    The path to the folder where the SQL scripts can be found
Installs a Verba database using the scripts found in the provided folder.
Get-VerbaSQLExecutionInfo -DbHost $dbhost -DbName $dbname
-SqlUser $sqluser -SqlPassword $sqlpassword -sqlScriptName $sqlscriptname
  • DbHost
    Type: String
    The hostname of the SQL server
  • DbName
    Type: String
    The name of the Verba database
  • SqlUser
    Type: String
    The username to be used for the SQL connection
  • sqlPassword
    Type: String
    The password to be used for the SQL connection
  • sqlScriptName
    Type: String
    The name of the SQL script 
Provides execution info about the provided SQL script.
Uninstall-VerbaApplication -Hostname $hostname [-keepLogs]
  • Hostname
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server
  • keepLogs
    Type: Switch
    Sets whether the log files should be kept or not
Uninstalls the Verba software from the provided host.
Copy-VerbaDatabaseScripts -Hostname $hostname -TargetFolder $targetfolder
  • Hostname
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server
  • TargetFolder
    Type: String
    The target folder on the provided host 
Copyes the Verba database scripts from the local Verba installation folder to the provided host.
Export-VerbaRegistry -Hostname $hostname -BackupPath $backuppath
-KeyName $keyname
  • Hostname
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server
  • BackupPath
    Type: String
    The path where the registry will be saved to.
  • KeyName
    Type: String
    Default: "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Verba"
    The key which will be exported. 
Exports the specified registry set to the provided path from the provided host.
Import-VerbaRegistryBackup -Hostname $hostname -BackupPath $backuppath
  • Hostname
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server
  • BackupPath
    Type: String
    The path where the registry is saved.
Imports the provided registry set on the provided host.
Set-VerbaServices -Hostname $hostname -BackupPath $backuppath
-StartupType $startuptype [-Restart]
  • Hostname
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server
  • BackupPath
    Type: String
    The path where the backup of the activated services can be found.
  • StartupType
    Type: Int
    The startup type of the restored services: 0 - disabled, 1 - manual, 2 - Automatic, 3 - AutomaticDelayed
  • Restart
    Type: Switch
    Set whether the services will be started 
Sets the startup type of the Verba services based on the provided backup on the provided host.
Export-VerbaActiveServices -Hostname $hostname -BackupPath $backuppath
  • Hostname
    Type: String
    The hostname of the server
  • BackupPath
    Type: String
    The path where the list of the activated services will be saved to. 
Creates a backup about the activated Verba services on the provided host.
Get-VerbaRegistryEntry -key $key
  • key
    Type: Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
    The registry key which will be red 
Writes out the registry set under the provided key.

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