How to switch from Oracle to OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment

This article describes the steps required to replace Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to the OpenJDK equivalent. The download links point to the Adoptium OpenJDK (formerly Adopt OpenJDK) binaries.

Step 1 - Verify your Verba version and check the supported Java version and download the OpenJDK runtime as follows: 

Verba versionJava versionDownload link
8.xJava SE 8 Runtime Environment 32 bit

Choose the

  • Operation System: Windows
  • Architecture: x86
  • JRE option
9.0, 9.1 and 9.2Java SE 8 Runtime Environment 64 bit

Choose the

  • Operation System: Windows
  • Architecture: x64
  • JRE option
9.3 or laterJava SE 11 Runtime Environment 64 bit

Choose the

  • Operation System: Windows
  • Architecture: x64
  • JRE option

Step 2 - Copy the downloaded OpenJDK package (msi) to the Verba server and install it using the following command-line command:

msiexec /i [OpenJDK_installer.msi] INSTALLLEVEL=2

Step 3 - Check the JAVA_HOME variable in a new command line window using the command::

echo %JAVA_HOME%

You should see the path to your OpenJDK installation. 

Step 4 - Change the following Windows Registry setting:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\VerbaWebApp\Parameters\Java\Jvm 


Verba 8.xC:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-[version]-hotspot\bin\server\jvm.dll
Verba 9.xC:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-[version]-hotspot\bin\server\jvm.dll

Change the [version] part to the actual folder name!

Step 5 - Restart all Verba services using Java:

  • Verba Cisco JTAPI Service
  • Verba Avaya DMCC/JTAPI Service
  • Verba Web Application Service
  • Verba Cisco Central Silent Monitoring Service
  • Verba Cisco Compliance Service
  • Verba Cloud Compliance Service

Step 6 - Verify functionality by making tests covering your basic use cases.

Rolling back changes

In case the system does not work properly after switching to OpenJDK or you want to continue using Oracle JRE, follow the steps below to roll back the changes:

Step 1 - Verify that you have Oracle JRE still installed on the Verba server. If not, install the required Oracle JRE depending on the Verba version.

Step 2 - Change the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables back to the original values pointing to the Oracle JRE installation.

Step 3 - Change the HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\VerbaWebApp\Parameters\Java\Jvm registry setting back to 'auto'.

Step 4 - Restart all Java services using Java.