Installing the Verba Desktop Agent
A Verba Media Repository must be installed before starting Desktop Agent installation. The desktop agent installer kit verifies only a limited range of hardware and third-party software prerequisites. Therefore, it is important to review all Prerequisites thoroughly before proceeding with the installation.
Make sure that the following TCP port is open on the desktops where the Verba Desktop Agent is deployed: 4433 (TCP). See Firewall configuration.
Manual installation
Please follow the steps below to install the Verba Desktop Agent:
Step 1 - Launch the VerbaDesktop.msi installer as Administrator.
Step 2 - The install kit starts installing Verba components. Press the Next button to start the installation.
Step 3 - Read the Verba license agreement carefully before clicking the Next button.
Step 4 - Select the destination folder for the Verba Desktop Agent. You can change the default setting by clicking the Change button and selecting another folder. If you have finished the destination folder configuration, press the Next button.
Step 5a
(i) If using Verba CA, select the "Generate Certificate Signed by Verba Media Repository CA" option and click the Generate button.
(ii) In the Generate the Verba Server Certificate window, provide the address of the first Media Repository server and the Verba administrator username and password.
(iii) Click Generate.
(iv) Finally, click the Next button. (If you are using this, you can skip Step 5b.)
Step 5b
If there is an existing certificate from a previous Verba Desktop Agent installation (in case of reinstall or upgrade) or a pre-generated certificate for the desktop exists (requested from a local or a third-party CA), select the "Select Certificate" option, and click the Browse button.
Certificates generated by the Verba CA
Identify the Verba server and CA certificate using their Friendly Names. On the screenshot, the first option is the server certificate and the second option is the CA certificate.
Step 6 - Select the Service account type. If the Domain account is selected, then:
The account name must be entered with the domain.
The Domain account must be a part of the Local Administrators group and requires the Log on as a service right.
Step 7a - The Verba installer is requesting for the MS SQL Server credentials. The server name can be entered either as an IP address or an FQDN. Both SQL server-based and Windows authentication are supported. All Verba servers and components have to use the same database! If SQL Mirroring is being used or AlwaysOn with Multi-Subnet failover, then a different SQL Driver has to be selected. In this case, the driver has to be installed on the server. Click 'Test Connection' to verify your input. If the tests are successful, click Next.
Step 7b - If the incoming connection from the desktop is not possible (because of the firewall), then uncheck the "Enable Automatic Node Registration" setting. In this case, the desktop has to be added manually to the server list in the System \ Servers menu after the installation. Click Next.
Step 8 - Provide the address of the Verba Media Repository server and the API user password. The API user is the user account created at Step 14 during the installation of the Media Repository server.
Step 9 - Click the Next button again to start installing the services. When the installation is complete, click Finish to exit the installer.
Unattended installation
The Verba Desktop Agent installation package provides an unattended installation feature to support automated, enterprise-wide installation of the software. The installer is MSI based. For more information, see Installer Parameters