Verba Remote Installation Service Description

This document describes how Verba Technologies will help you with your software installations when you are ordering installation services.

The purpose of this document is to outline the information needed and tasks to be completed during the Installation services for the Verba Recording System product line. Since this installation will be conducted by Verba Technologies personnel from an off-site location (in order to reduce installation fees and expenses) Remote Desktop software will be utilized to complete these tasks. Verba Technologies uses the services of LogMeIn, a web based remote desktop support service. Verba Technologies can support additional forms of remote desktop or temporary VPN access at the client’s request.

Verba Technologies respects your confidentiality and acknowledges the trust bestowed when 3rd party vendors access your network, and will only use this connection to fulfill the installation requirements of the Client. For further information on Verba Technologies’ remote support services please see:

About the information below:

Information to be collected before installation

To complete the installation the Verba Technologies support engineer will need the following information from the client, prior to scheduling the installation.

Verba Server Hardware/Software information

  • CPU type:
  • RAM size:
  • HDD size/drives:
  • Operating System:
  • IP Address:
  • Hostname:

Cisco UCM Admin information:

  • Version:
  • IP/Hostname:
  • Administrator user:
  • Administrator password:                             (can be kept confidential and entered by Client)

Gateway information:

  • Gateway Model(s):
  • IP address(es):
  • Cisco Switch Model(s):
  • Cisco IP Phone Models:

Verba Installation/Configuration settings

  • Log File location:
  • Database File location:
  • Media File location:
  • Outgoing SMTP Server:
  • Email account for system alerts:
  • SNMP server:
  • Type of Recording Method: (Passive or Central)

Client’s Responsibilities

Pre-installation tasks

  • Verba Server is ready (hardware is configured and Operating System installed) and can be accessed via the internet or via a remote desktop from a computer with internet access
  • Provide installation information to Verba (see above)
  • Configure Monitor Session/SPAN port to capture traffic from the applicable VLAN/switches
  • Provide list of users and extensions/directory numbers 
  • Provide User/Group mapping and which users are Group Supervisors and/or Group Administrators (All users are members of the default group when created)
  • Download the installation files and put them onto the server computer (provide location information to Verba if different from C:\Downloads\)

Installation Tasks

  • Have a knowledgeable IT person responsible for this implementation who is available during the agreed upon days/times
  • Access the Verba Support website to initiate a Remote Desktop Session ( - login required)
  • The computer to be controlled needs to have access to: (Verba server or Desktop)
    • Remotely control the server
    • The internet
    • The Cisco UCM Administration webpage

Post Installation Tasks

  • Complete and sign user acceptance testing script from a PC (other than the Verba Server) and return to Verba
  • Configure Additional Users, Groups, Extensions as needed
  • Configure Additional IP Phones for XML Service access as needed
  • Configure SQL Server and Media file backup schedule and archiving schedule as desired

Verba Technologies’ Responsibilities


  • Set time/date for Remote Desktop Support Session
  • Send client server requirement information and other information needed
  • Make installation files available to client (secured web access) to download

Installation Tasks

  • Install Prerequisite items: Java, .NET etc.
  • Install and configure SQL Server database
  • Install and configure Verba Server Components
  • Install and configure the Verba Node Manager
  • Validate initial settings and database connectivity
  • Validate SPAN port data capture
  • Configure Users and user privileges
  • Configure User to Extension mapping with recording mode
  • Configure User to Group mapping with privileges

Post Installation Tasks

  • Configure Cisco UCM phone service for Verba phone service users (Optional)
  • Configure Email/SNMP Alerts for basic system monitoring
  • Knowledge transfer: Walk through basic user navigation
  • Knowledge transfer: Walk through basic system administration and node manager
  • Provide Client with Product Support Online access account information