How to change server IP address and hostname
There are different steps to take when you are changing the IP address and/or the hostname of different Verba components:
Changing Media Repository Address
- In the web application, go to System and select Servers.
- Select the Media Repository for which you want to change the IP address.
- Go to the Change Configuration tab, and under System, set a new IP address.
- Click Save.
- Apply the configuration changes either by following the link in the notification that appears at the top of the screen, or by going to the Configuration Tasks tab and selecting Execute Selected Tasks.
- Log in to the Media Repository server.
- Open services.msc, and restart the Verba Web Application service.
- Verify that all servers with Verba components can properly resolve the new host name and IP address, including any /etc/hosts overrides.
If you have Recording Servers or Desktop Recorders that are uploading media to the local disk of the Media Repository server, then also complete the following steps:
- In the web application, go to System and select Servers.
- Select the Recording Server or Desktop Recorder and go to the Change Configuration tab.
- Under Storage Management > Storage Targets > Media Repository Local Disk, set a new IP address or host name in the Media Repository IP Address or Hostname setting.
- Click Save.
- Apply the configuration changes either by following the link in the notification that appears at the top of the screen, or by going to the Configuration Tasks tab and selecting Execute Selected Tasks.
Changing Recording Server Address
- In the web application, go to System and select Servers.
- Select the Recording server for which you want to change the IP address.
- Go to the Change Configuration tab, and under System, set a new IP address.
- Click Save.
- Apply the configuration changes either by following the link in the notification that appears at the top of the screen, or by going to the Configuration Tasks tab and selecting Execute Selected Tasks.
- Verify that all servers with Verba components can properly resolve the new host name and IP address, including any /etc/hosts overrides.
If you are using the Cisco UCM platform, also change the IP address of the recorder in CUCM, as decribed in the Create and configure a SIP Trunk article.
If you are using SPAN-based recording for Microsoft Skype for Business (Lync), also complete the following steps:
- In the web application, go to System and select Servers.
- Select the Recording server for which you want to change the IP address and go to the Change Configuration tab.
- Under Lync Filter > Signaling Information Target Settings > Recording Server(s), change the IP address or host name of the Recording server.
- Click Save.
- Apply the configuration changes either by following the link in the notification that appears at the top of the screen, or by going to the Configuration Tasks tab and selecting Execute Selected Tasks.
If you are using other SIP-based telephony platforms, point the system at the new IP address or host name of the Recording server.
Changing Desktop Recorder Address
The Desktop Recorder registers itself on the Recording servers with its current IP address, so no extra configuration changes are required.
After changing the IP address or host name, verify that all servers with Verba components can properly resolve the new host name and IP address, including any /etc/hosts overrides.
Changing SQL Server Address
- In the web application, go to System and select Servers.
- Select the server for which you want to change the IP address, and go to the Change Configuration tab.
- Under Database Connection > Database hostname, set a new IP address.
- Click Save.
- Apply the configuration changes either by following the link in the notification that appears at the top of the screen, or by going to the Configuration Tasks tab and selecting Execute Selected Tasks.
- Repeat for all Verba server (SfB (Lync) servers with Verba components are also considered to be Verba servers).
- Follow the Microsoft documentation for changing the SQL Server address:
When changing the database connection parameters on the Media Repository, you lose connection (and the ability to access the web application) until the database server becomes active on the new IP address or host name that you configured. If the configuration is incorrectly updated and connection cannot be established, revert to the previous settings in the Windows registry of the server.
For a more detailed description please refer to the Moving the database to another SQL Server article.
Changing the Microsoft Teams IP Address
- In the web application, go to System and select Servers.
- Select the Recording server on which you want to change the Microsoft Teams IP address, and go to the Change Configuration tab.
- Go to Microsoft Teams Bot > Microsoft Teams > Connection, and under Public IP address, set a new IP address.
- Click Save.
- Apply the configuration changes either by following the link in the notification banner that appears at the top of the screen, or by going to the Configuration Tasks tab and selecting Execute Selected Tasks.
- Repeat for all Recording servers on which Microsoft Teams recording is configured.