Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams recording features

  • Voice, video, screen/application window share recording, and chat and channel archiving
  • Integration with the official Microsoft Teams Compliance Recording API and Graph API
  • Support for load balancing and failover 
  • Supports all types of Teams endpoints and devices

Voice, video, and screen/application window share recording

  • Bot based integration, where the Teams platform is able to automatically invite the recorder bot into P2P calls or meetings for the configured users
  • Support for Azure cloud and hybrid deployments
  • Fail-close configuration option (in case of recorder failure, the recorded user cannot join the call)
  • Supports always-on, selective, and on-demand recording
  • Supports all call scenarios where the recorded user is a participant
  • Built-in announcement and notification (provided by the Teams platform)
  • For more information, see Microsoft Teams voice, video and screen share recording

Chat and channel archiving

  • Multiple integration options:
    • Event/webhook, DLP API-based integration, where the Teams platform sends all updates once the recorder subscribes
    • Export API-based integration, where the system can query and download messages and attachments for configured users (chats) and teams (channels)
  • Support for on-prem, cloud, and hybrid deployments
  • Supports always-on recording mode only
  • Supports all instant message scenarios, teams, channels, P2P, and meeting chats
  • Support for attachments
  • Supports all formatting options, emojis, giphy, stickers, and other apps
  • Limitation: labeling and case rules are not supported
  • For more information, see Microsoft Teams chat and channel archiving

Version support

Switch Name & Model

Microsoft Teams

Supported Microsoft Teams Versions
for voice, video, and screen/application window share recording

For licensing information, please refer to the following Microsoft knowledge base article:


Supported Microsoft Teams Versions
for chats and channel archiving

For licensing information, please refer to the following Microsoft knowledge base article, "Graph APIs for Teams Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and for Teams Export" section:


In addition to the user license requirements above, the application registration owner must define the deployment's licensing model. Model A is required for Security and Compliance (S+C) and general usage scenarios. The licensing model is configurable in the VFC system.

For more information about seeded capacity and consumption fees, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/teams-licenses.

Supported Endpoint / DeviceTypes


If you are on a different version, contact your Microsoft representative for more information.

Deploying Microsoft Teams recording and archiving

For more information about deploying Microsoft Teams voice, video, and screen/application window share recording, see Microsoft Teams voice, video and screen share recording.

For more information about deploying Microsoft Teams chat and channel archiving, see Microsoft Teams chat and channel archiving

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