ASR model management

ASR model management

Intelligent Voice (IV) provides the following features for ASR models:

  • IV supports automatic language detection and the transcription of multi-language calls. When transcribing a call, language detection requires the definition of up to 3 languages (plus the language detection model). 

  • IV allows easy customization of ASR models (the lexical model), enabling customers to create new models (the process is called model adaptation, for more information, see https://support.intelligentvoice.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044447274-Model-adaptation). Both partners and customers can adopt models. In a multi-tenant configuration, models adapted for specific tenants are considered private and not accessible to any other tenant. Models adapted by partners can be potentially shared with multiple customers.

  • IV license articles limit the number of languages used to transcribe calls for individual users. A basic license only allows to use of a single language per user (different users can have different languages configured), other licenses allow the usage of multiple languages per user.

ASR model administration

The ASR Models are administered on the Intelligent Voice portal. VFC synchronizes the data between the two systems, and the Reference Environment Administrators can enable the ASR Models to be used by specific tenants.

Tenant Administrators are only allowed to list the ASR Models, they cannot change anything.

Finding and listing ASR models

The synchronized ASR models can be listed under Data / Data Management / ASR Models. The list provides the following information about the available ASR models:



Sample Value



Sample Value

Full Name

The name of the ASR model defined in the IV system.


Data Processor

The name of the data processor defined in the Verba system which was used to synchronize in the ASR model.


Model ID

The ID of the ASR model in the IV system.


Created By

The name of the creator of the ASR model as defined in the IV system.


Language Code

The language code associated with the ASR model as defined in the IV system.


Lexicon Size

The size of the lexicon in the ASR model.



The description for the ASR model as defined in the IV system.



The version of the ASR model as defined in the IV system.


Associating ASR models with environments

By default, the ASR models are only available in the reference environment in a multi tenant configuration. In a single tenant system, the ASR models are automatically available. In order to associate an ASR model with one or more tenants, follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Navigate to Data / Data Management / ASR Models and select the ASR model.

Step 2 - Under Choose Environments, select the environments/tenants and click on the >> button to select the environment(s) to be associated with the ASR model. If you want to make the ASR model available for all existing and future environments, click the Visible for All Tenants checkbox.

Step 3 - Press the Save button to save the new configuration.

Activating and deactivating ASR models

If you decide to not use an ASR model temporarily, you can deactivate the ASR model. When deactivating an ASR model, the system checks if the ASR model is currently configured for any of the transcription policies, and it doesn’t allow deactivating until it is configured for at least one policy. Deactivated ASR models are also automatically deactivated in the IV system. You can activate deactivated ASR models again. In order to activate or deactivate an ASR model, follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Navigate to Data / Data Management / ASR Models and select the ASR model.

Step 2 - Press the Deactivate or Activate button to deactivate the ASR model.

Deleting ASR models

If you decide to not use an ASR model anymore (e.g. you have a new adopted model to replace the old one), you can delete the ASR model permanently. When deleting an ASR model, the system checks if the ASR model is currently configured for any of the transcription policies, and it doesn’t allow deleting until it is configured for at least one policy. Deleted ASR models are also automatically activated in the IV system. In order to delete an ASR model, follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Navigate to Data / Data Management / ASR Models and select the ASR model.

Step 2 - Press the Delete button to permanently delete the ASR model.



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