Search fields
Basic Search Options
Field Name | Description |
Query Interval Start/End Time | This tool is designed to define a date-time interval in a few easy steps. Once the start date-time of a conversation falls into the given interval, it will be displayed: The selected date is displayed in red and can be adjusted using the following controls: Date selection:
Hold the left mouse button on any of the buttons for faster selection Time selection:
Since all date and time values are stored in UTC/GMT (Universal Coordinated Time), the displayed date and time values depend on the time-zone setting of the user. You can override this setting by selecting another time-zone on the Advanced Search Options tab |
Phone Number (From or To Party) | The phone number of the caller or the called party can be entered here. This field uses an auto-complete feature to list the matching registered numbers in a drop-down menu as you type. Any other number can be entered, however, the auto-completion only works for registered numbers. |
User | This field also uses the auto-complete feature to list the matching registered Verba users in a drop-down menu as you type. Any other username can be entered here, however, the auto-completion only works for registered Verba users. |
Label | Conversations can be marked by using labels. In this field, users can select from existing search labels in a drop-down menu. |
Advanced Search Options
Field Name | Description |
Display results according to timezone | Search results will be displayed according to this time zone |
Archived conversations | Determines whether the system will include archived conversation in the search or not |
From | The initiating party's identifier (phone number, extension, SIP URI, etc.) |
From Info | Searches in the From Info field of the records, that shows additional information on the conversation |
From (digits) | Using this option, search results can be filtered based on how many digits the From extension contains |
From Device ID | The initiating party's Device ID |
From IP | The initiating party's IP address |
From Proxy IP | The IP address of the media relay point from the initiating party's perspective. This can be the proxy server, edge server, or other relay points. |
To | The receiving party's identifier (phone number, extension, SIP URI, etc.) |
To Info | Searches in the To Info field of the records, that shows additional information on the conversation |
To (digits) | Using this option, search results can be filtered based on how many digits the To extension contains |
To Device ID | The receiving party's Device ID |
To IP | The receiving party's IP address |
To Proxy IP | The IP address of the media relay point from the receiving party's perspective. This can be the proxy server, edge server, or other relay points. |
Both To or From | The initiating or the receiving party's identifier (phone number, extension, SIP URI, etc.) |
Both To of From Info | Searches in the From and To Info fields of the records, that show additional information on the conversation |
Dialed Number | If the dialed number differs from the person that answered the conversation, this field is populated |
User | Users who are in the Verba database |
Group | Users can select one or more Verba groups from the predefined list. Conversations linked to the users of the selected group(s) will appear in the search results. |
User ID | The User/Agent/Trader ID obtained from the recorded platform |
Direction | You can select one or more of the directions from the predefined list (internal, outgoing, and incoming). |
Direction (User) | The direction of the conversation from the recorded user point of view (inbound, outbound) |
End Cause | What was the reason behind the termination of the conversation. Caller hung up, timeout, etc. |
Duration Interval | Users can define an interval. Every conversation will be displayed in the search result for which the duration is inside the given interval. Specifying only the beginning or only the end of the interval results in conversations longer or shorter than the defined value. Seconds values greater than 59 are not accepted, however, minute values greater than 59 are accepted and converted to valid 'hours:minutes' values automatically. |
Conversation Type | What conversation modalities should be displayed. Available options:
Forward Reason | Conversation forwarding reason |
On-demand | Options are:
Marked for recording | Shows On-Demand conversations that have been marked to be kept |
Protected | Conversation is Protected. If the system is set up to take this setting into account, then these conversations will not be deleted even after the retention time has passed |
Related conversation exists | Only shows conversations where related conversations exist (the whole conversation is stored in more than one file) |
Storage target | Which Storage target the conversation is stored on. This only has value if not the default storage location is being used |
End of Retention | Shows when the retention time of a conversation ends |
Delete after End of Retention | Available options are Yes/No, it can separate conversations that will be automatically deleted after the retention time is up |
Encryption Certificate | Which certificate was used to encrypt conversations |
Signature Certificate | Which certificate was used to sign conversations |
Silence Ratio | Shows the ratio of silence in relation to the whole conversation |
Talkover Ratio | Indicates the amount of time when multiple parties were talking at the same time in a conversation |
Longest Silence | Longest time in a conversation when both parties were silent |
Media Check | Shows what problems were discovered for each conversation. Available selection options:
Voice Quality | Makes it possible to search based on the rating of the conversation, done by the Voice Quality Check feature |
Recording Server | Hostname of the Recording Server that recorded the conversation |
Media File Name | Searches based on the name of the media file |
Shared File Name | Works with Content Sharing can filter based on the name of the shared file |
Shared File Extension | Works with Content Sharing can filter based on the file extension of the shared file |
Conversation Identifier | Verba's unique, automatically generated conversation identifier. The search result will include only conversation(s) with the given identifier(s). |
Platform Conversation ID | The ID of the conversation that the Telephony/UC platform assigns to the session |
Source Platform | What Telephony/Unified Communications system was the conversation recorded in (Cisco, Sfb, Avaya, etc.) |
Import Source | The import source which imported the conversation |
To see what type of filtering criteria can be used with most of these options, refer to the Search filter operators article.
You can define as many search criteria as you wish. The search field values are linked with a logical AND. Therefore only those conversations will be listed that meet all of the search criteria.
If all of the search fields are empty, every recorded conversation will be listed in the defined time range.
Metadata and Markers
As previously described, Verba allows the use of group-specific metadata templates. Depending on the user configuration, each user is a member of one or more groups. When a user is logged into the Verba Web Application, the user can use any of those comment templates for searching or adding new comments, which are defined for those groups the user belongs to.
Field Name | Description |
Full-text search in markers | Searches in the text description of the conversation markers. Works with a portion of the phrase as well, it does not have to be an exact match |
Metadata fields | Contents of specific metadata fields can be searched for here |
Text Search
This section makes it possible to search in text-based recordings, transcripts, and markers.
The search fields support '*' for a starts-with or ends-with match, or " " for an exact match.
Field Name | Description |
Instant Messaging | Sets whether the Instant Messaging recordings will be in the scope of the searching or not. |
Transcript | Sets whether the transcripts will be in the scope of the searching or not. |
SMS | Sets whether the SMS recordings will be in the scope of the searching or not. |
Markers | Sets whether the markers will be in the scope of the searching or not. |
All of these phrases | Shows IM sessions that contain all of the listed phrases in one session |
Any of these phrases | Shows IM sessions that contain any of the listed phrases |
None of these phrases | Shows IM sessions that contain none of the listed phrases |
Speech Search
For the Speech Search Filters refer to the Speech Search Filters article.