Search filter operators

When the user adds a Conversation detail record field to the search query under the Advanced Search Options, the system automatically displays the different operation types for the selected fields. Search filter operators include the following, however, the operator list differs by field:

Equal to

The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value is equal to the specified criteria.

Special search characters cannot be used here.

Not equal to

The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value is not equal to the specified criteria.

Special search characters cannot be used here.

Matches a value in the list

The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value matches a value in the list.

When the user selects this operator, a multi-select drop-down menu or a text input box is displayed, depending on the selected field.

Multiple items in the drop-down can be picked by holding down CTRL while clicking on each item to be selected.

When the text input is filled, the system automatically displays another field for the next value.

Special search characters cannot be used here.

Does not match a value in the list

The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value does not match a value in the list.

When the user selects this operator, a multi-select drop-down menu or a text input box is displayed, depending on the selected field.

Multiple items in the drop-down can be picked by holding down CTRL while clicking on each item to be selected.

When the text input is filled, the system automatically displays another field for the next value.

Special search characters cannot be used here.

Does not exist

The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value is not defined.

Special search characters cannot be used here.


The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value is defined.

Special search characters cannot be used here.

Starts with

The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value starts with the specified criteria.

Special search characters cannot be used here.

Ends with

The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value ends with the specified criteria.

Special search characters cannot be used here.


The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value includes the specified criteria.

Special search characters cannot be used here.


The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value matches the specified criteria.

Special search characters can be used here. These are described later in this topic.

Not like

The search query returns conversations where the selected field's value does not match the specified criteria.

Special search characters can be used here. These are described later in this topic.


This operator is only available for the Duration interval field. The search query returns conversations where the field's value is in the specified timeframe.

Users can define custom timeframes, or use the drop-down menu for predefined settings.

Special search characters cannot be used here.

Special search characters

You can use certain special characters to perform "wildcard-search" using the following combinations:

The % character represents a string of characters at the position it is used. The system applies this character by default for phone number fields. Search pattern variations denoted by * can be resource intensive and can result in long search execution.


If only the beginning of a field value is known, the remaining unknown string can be replaced with the "%" character. For example specifying 414% in the extension search field will list all conversations where the extension number begins with 414.


* If only the ending of the value to be found is known, the remaining unknown string can be replaced with the "%" character. For example specifying %414 will list all conversations where the field value ends with 414.


* If only the internal section of the field value is known, the preceding and trailing sections can be replaced with the "%" character. For example typing %414% will list all conversations where the field value contains 414 after the first digit and before the last digit.

_If only the number of digits are known in the field, but one or more digits are uncertain, replace the unknown digit with "_" (underscore) character. E.g. typing 4143_69 will list all conversations containing this pattern (the "_" can be any character, excluding empty character).

If the number of digits in the field are known, but one or more digits are uncertain and the possible values are known, the unknown digit(s) can be replaced with "[0123456789]" or "[0-9]" character(s).  E.g. typing 4143[4-8]69 or 4143[45678]69 will list all conversations containing this number (the "[4-8]" or "[45678]" can be any number between 4 and 8).

None of the fields are case sensitive, so you can use either uppercase or lowercase letters.  You can also combine the above mentioned special search patterns.

Example search pattern


414[3-7]_6%This will list all conversations that start with 414, the fourth number is one of 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7, the fifth number can be any character (excluding nothing or an empty character), the sixth number is 6, and after character 6 the number can contain anything (including nothing).