Speech Search Filters
Using Speech Search
The Speech Search function is integrated into the main Search tool of the Verba web interface. Users who have the 'Speech Search' right are able to see additional search filters on the Verba Search page called 'Speech Search'. Note that if the user performing the search is not a System (or group) Supervisor, they will only be able to search among their own calls, just like with regular searches.
Speech Search related filtering options include the following:
- Language: This shows the language of the search phrases you are entering
- Confidence: Allows filtering based on the 'Probability' value of the hits (see details on probability below)
- Search in: Allows restricting the search to just one party of the call (recorded party, other party or both)
- All of these keywords: The search will only return calls where all of the specified keywords are found.
- Any of these keywords: The search will only return calls where at least one of the specified keywords are found
- None of these keywords: The search will only return calls where none of the specified keywords can be found.
The last three fields can be used together in the same search to form complex search criteria. There is an auto-complete function integrated to allow fast application of previously used keywords.
The search fields support '*' for a starts-with or ends-with match, or " " for an exact match.
Make sure Language in the search interface is properly set, otherwise phrase suggestions and speech search results will be incorrect.