Stage One: Creating a new Phone Service
The following sections describes how to configure the Verba Phone Service based on authentication type.
Configuring the Verba Phone Service with device name, IP address, or manual authentication
Step 1 - After authentication select the Device / Device Settings / Phone Services menu item.
Step 2 - Click on Add New.
Step 3 - Type in the Service Name: Verba (or what you would like to display)
Step 4 - Type in the Service Description: Verba Phone Service (or what you would like to display)
Step 5 - Provide the Service URL based on required function and authentication method:
Service URLs for device name based authentication - Click to expand
Service URL | Description |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Enters to the Verba Phone Service App. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Enters to the recording control menu, where the user can start / stop the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Enters to the silent monitoring menu. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for starting the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for stopping the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the recording for keeping. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the call as protected. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for removing the protected mark. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for stopping the recording, and delete it. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for muting the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for unmuting the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the call as private. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for removing the private mark. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the call as importatnt. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for removing the important mark. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for adding a comment. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for adding a marker. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for emailing a link to the user. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for emailing a link to the group supervisor. |
Service URLs for IP address based authentication - Click to expand
Service URL | Description |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Enters to the Verba Phone Service App. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Enters to the recording control menu, where the user can start / stop the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Enters to the silent monitoring menu. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for starting the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for stopping the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the recording for keeping. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the call as protected. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for removing the protected mark. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for stopping the recording, and delete it. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for muting the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for unmuting the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the call as private. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for removing the private mark. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the call as importatnt. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for removing the important mark. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for adding a comment. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for adding a marker. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for emailing a link to the user. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for emailing a link to the group supervisor. |
Service URLs for manual authentication - Click to expand
Service URL | Description |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Brings up the login page, and after successful login enters to the Verba Phone Service App. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Brings up the login page, and after successful login enters to the silent monitoring menu. |
Step 6 - Set the Service Category setting to XML Service.
Step 7 - Set the Service Type setting to Standard IP Phone Service.
Step 8 - Turn on the Enabled setting.

Step 9 - Click Save.
Configuring the Verba Phone Service with user ID based authentication
Step 1 - After authentication select the Device / Device Settings / Phone Services menu item.
Step 2 - Click on Add New.
Step 3 - Type in the Service Name: Verba (or what you would like to display)
Step 4 - Type in the Service Description: Verba Phone Service (or what you would like to display)
Step 5 - Provide the Service URL based on required function:
Service URLs for user ID based authentication - Click to expand
Service URL for user ID based authentication | Description |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Enters to the Verba Phone Service App. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Enters to the recording control menu, where the user can start / stop the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Enters to the silent monitoring menu. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for starting the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for stopping the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the recording for keeping. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the call as protected. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for removing the protected mark. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for stopping the recording, and delete it. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for muting the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for unmuting the recording. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the call as private. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for removing the private mark. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for marking the call as importatnt. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for removing the important mark. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for adding a comment. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for adding a marker. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for emailing a link to the user. |
http://verba_MR_address/verba/ | Quick action for emailing a link to the group supervisor. |
Step 6 - Set the Service Category setting to XML Service.
Step 7 - Set the Service Type setting to Standard IP Phone Service.
Step 8 - Turn on the Enabled setting.
Step 9 - Add a new parameter by clicking on the New Parameter button. A new window opens.
Step 10 - Type Parameter Name: uname
Step 11 - Type in the Parameter Display Name: Login name of the user
Step 12 - Type in the Parameter Description: This parameter is equal to the Verba user login name. This parameter enables the service to identify the user that called the service from an IP phone.
Step 13 - Check the Parameter is Required option.

Step 14 - Press Save And Close button.
Step 15 - Click Save.
Stage Two: Subscribing to the Verba Phone Service
After you have successfully configured the Verba Phone Service, you have to register the service for each IP phone device that needs access to the service.
Step 1 - Select the Device / Phone menu item.
Step 2 - Select the desired phone/device.
Step 3 - Select Subscribe/Unsubscribe Services link from the "Related links" dropdown list in the upper right corner.
Step 4 - In the new pop up window select the previously created phone service from the list box.

Step 5 - Press the Next button.
Step 6 - Provide the necessary parameters if required.

Step 7 - Press the Subscribe button.
If you have more then one line on a device and all of them are recorded, you do not have to configure different Verba Phone Services for them, because the service uses the device name / IP address or the user name for identifying calls related to a user, not extension numbers. If the user is properly configured in the Verba database, all calls are visible from the service, which are linked to the given user (calls are linked to a user through the station mapping).
In order to utilize the quick access functions in the most efficient way, you can configure line buttons for it on certain IP phones. In this way a single button click on the phone can activate the given function. Follow the steps below to configure quick access functions on line buttons:
Step 1 - Select the Device / Phone menu item.
Step 2 - Select the desired phone/device.
Step 3 - In the left panel, click on the Add a new SURL link. A new window opens.
Step 4 - In the new window, select the previously subscribed phone service at the Button Service column, and provide a text to display at the Label column.

Step 5 - Clcik Save, then click Close.
Step 6 - Press the Modify Button Items button on the left side. A new window opens.
Step 7 - In the Reorder Phone Button Configuration window select the phone service item in the right list (Unassigned Associated Items) and move it to the left list (Associated Items). Make sure that the new SURL item will be visible on the given phone type considering the number of available items (line buttons).

Step 8 - Press Save, then click Close.
Step 9 - Press the Save button in the Phone Configuration window, then click Apply Config.