Configuring the Monthly License Summary Email

Configuring the Monthly License Summary Email



Your Verba platform can send License Summary emails every month to a set of email addresses. This can be sent to your admin/license team or (if needed) directly to Verba. The included information is similar to the contents of the System / License menu in the Verba web application.


Follow these steps to configure 

  1. Login to the Windows server running the Verba system
  2. Run regedit.exe to configure the Windows registry
  3. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Verba\Web
    (note: on your system Wow6432Node might not be in the key path)
  4. Write a comma separated email list into the following STRING key: LicenseSendMonthlyTo (create if does not exist)
  5. Set day of month for sending (default is 1), set the following DWORD key: LicenseSendMonthlyOnDay (create if does not exist)


The email will be sent according to the hour (in UTC timezone) defined in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Verba\RunDailyJobsAtHour key (DWORD), default value is 1.

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