Announcement Audit Log report

This report shows the list of announcements the system attempted to play and whether each announcement was successfully played or not. If an announcement could not be played, the corresponding error message is also listed.

Filter options

Filter name


Filter name


Date interval

Only show events that occurred during the specified time interval.


Only show results where the outcome of the attempts to play the notifications matches the filter.


Environment ID (EID)

The environment or tenant whose events the report shows.

This filter is only available for users in the reference environment. These users can query the announcement events of any of the environments, or query the announcement events of all environments if the filter is left empty. Users running the report in environments other than the reference environment have the filter automatically set as their environment.


  • Time

  • Recorded Party

  • External Party

  • Direction

  • Prompt File Name

  • Prompt Length

  • Conference ID

  • SIP Call ID

  • Success

  • Error Message


  • None.

Report sample
