Rebuild Indexes in SQL Server
Rebuild Indexes in SQL Server
There are a situations when you might need to run a manual index rebuild on your SQL Server:
- updates - before running a Verba update (this is important on large systems to minimize the update time)
- slow searches - when you experience slow searches it means that your automated maintenance job does not run index rebuild (recommended every week)
Run a manual index rebuild
This is how you can run index rebuild on the two largest tables in the Verba database:
Step 1 - Open SQL Server Management Studio
Step 2 - Connect to the database server and
Step 3 - In the left tree find Databases / <VerbaDB> / Tables
Step 4 - Open the dbo.Section table, right click Indexes and run Rebuild All
Step 4 - Open the dbo.Section_archived table, right click Indexes and run Rebuild All
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