Database Status
The administrator and the system administrators are able to view database status information by clicking on the System / Database / Database Status menu item.
Database Status
By default the database status page is displayed.
Database files
The following table describes the available database files information fields:
Name | Description |
Name | Logical file name for Verba database file. |
Filename | Physical file name for Verba database file. |
Size | File size. |
Max. Size | Maximum size the file can grow. UNLIMITED value in this field indicates that the file grows until the disk is full (except MS SQL Express where max. size is limited to 4 Gbyte). |
Growth | Growth increment of the file. This indicates the amount of space added to the file each time new space is needed. |
Overall Database Size (chart) | Calculation: If max size is not set (set to unlimited), 4 Gbyte (MS SQL Express limit) is used in calculation. |
Database table sizes
The following table describes the available database table sizes information fields:
Name | Description |
Table Name | Name of the table that space usage information was requested. |
Number of Records | Number of rows existing in a table. |
Reserved Space | Amount of total reserved space for a table. |
Data Size | Amount of space used by data in a table. |
Index Size | Amount of space used by the index in a table. |
Not Used Space Size | Amount of unused space in a table. |
Database Size Structure (chart) | Comparison of data, index and unused space. |
Database version information
The following table describes the available database version information fields:
Name | Description |
ProductName | Product name; for example, Microsoft SQL Server. |
ProductVersion | Product version; for example, 7.00.419 where 7.00 is the version and 419 is the Microsoft internal build number. |
Language | The language version of SQL Server. |
Platform | Operating-system name, manufacturer name, and chip family name for the computer running SQL Server. For example, NT INTEL X86 indicates Microsoft Windows NT as the operating system, Intel as the chip manufacturer, and a 486 or higher processor. |
Comments | Miscellaneous information about SQL Server. |
CompanyName | Company name that produces SQL Server; for example, Microsoft Corporation. |
FileDescription | The operating system. |
FileVersion | Version of the SQL Server executable. For example, 1998.02.01 indicates a file version of February 1, 1998, on the Sqlservr.exe file. |
InternalName | Microsoft internal name for SQL Server; for example, SQLSERVR. |
LegalCopyright | Legal copyright information required for SQL Server; for example, Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1998. |
LegalTrademarks | Legal trademark information required for SQL Server. For example, Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. |
OriginalFilename | File name executed at SQL Server startup; for example, Sqlservr.exe. |
PrivateBuild | Reserved. |
SpecialBuild | Reserved. |
WindowsVersion | Microsoft Windows version installed on the computer running SQL Server. For example, 4.0 indicates version 4.0 of Microsoft Windows NT, and 1381 indicates the internal build number. |
ProcessorCount | The number of processors in the computer running SQL Server. |
ProcessorActiveMask | Indicates what processors installed in the computer running SQL Server are activated and usable by Microsoft Windows NT. |
ProcessorType | Processor type. Similar to Platform. |
PhysicalMemory | Amount in megabytes (MB) of RAM installed on the computer running SQL Server. For example, 32 indicates 32 MB of RAM. |
Product ID | Product ID (PID) number, which is specified during installation. This number is located on a sticker on the original SQL Server compact disc case. |
Database monitor
The following table describes the available database monitor information fields:
Name | Description |
last_run | Time the monitor was last run. |
current_run | Time the monitor is being run. |
seconds | Number of seconds since monitor was run. |
cpu_busy | Number of seconds that the server computer's CPU has been doing SQL Server work. |
io_busy | Number of seconds that SQL Server has spent doing input and output operations. |
idle | Number of seconds that SQL Server has been idle. |
packets_received | Number of input packets read by SQL Server. |
packets_sent | Number of output packets written by SQL Server. |
packet_errors | Number of errors encountered by SQL Server while reading and writing packets. |
total_read | Number of reads by SQL Server. |
total_write | Number of writes by SQL Server. |
total_errors | Number of errors encountered by SQL Server while reading and writing. |
connections | Number of logins or attempted logins to SQL Server. |
The first number refers to the number of seconds (for cpu_busy, io_busy, and idle) or the total number (for the other variables) since SQL Server was restarted. The number in parentheses refers to the number of seconds or total number since the last time monitor was run. The percentage is the percentage of time since monitor was last run. For example, if the report shows cpu_busy as 4250(215)-68%, the CPU has been busy 4250 seconds since SQL Server was last started up, 215 seconds since monitor was last run, and 68 percent of the total time since monitor was last run.
Database Connection Status by Tasks
This page can be accessed by clicking on Database Connection Status by Tasks link on the top right corner of the Database Status page.
The page displays the status of database connections used by the Web Application. Each page of the Web Application uses one or more connection, while it is being called. The Web Application works properly if all the connections, which were requested are released after loading a given page.
The total numbers can be zeroed by restarting the Web Application.
The following table describes the available fields:
Name | Description |
Name | Name of the Web Application task. |
Get | Number of database connection requests of the given task. |
Last get | Date and time of the last connection request for the given task. |
Free | Number of database connection releases of the given task. |
Last free | Date and time of the last connection release for the given task |