

Available in version 8.3 and later

Conversation export allows exporting recordings from the system:

  • The export feature is available for both users and administrators. Users can export recordings accessible for them, administrators can export any recordings.
  • Access to the export features is controlled by permissions.
  • Exports are executed by the storage service running on the Media Repository server(s). When users start a new export job, the system executes the job in the background and notify the users after completing the job in email. Progress can be monitored on the export task list page.
  • Storage targets are available specifically for export jobs. The system places exported files to these locations. Access to storage targets can be restricted for configured users/groups. The system also offers a direct download option, where exported files are hosted on the Media Repository server.
  • The system is able to export media files for voice and video recordings, and IM transcript files if available (the system does not generate IM transcript files from the database if the file is missing).
  • The process can export metadata files in two formats: CSV and XML. The columns in the CSV file are customizable and created during the export process. The XML metadata file is the original metadata file created by the recording services. If the XML file is not available, the export process will not create it.
  • The export feature can create a Conversation Detail Records (CDR) file for each job in CSV/PDF format, listing all recordings. 
  • The system can create an export manifest file for each export job. It details how the search was run (query), the number of items exported, by who the search was run, the exceptions involved/encountered.
  • Export jobs can be run based on a configured schedule.

User permissions for conversation export

User permissions

The table below summarizes user level permissions controlling access to export features. Users are only allowed to access export features through the search/list page, providing access to recordings available for the specific user only.


Download a Conversation

Allows to download a single conversation on the search/list page.
Conversation Export

Grants access to advanced conversation export on the search/list page:

  • Media Files Only
  • Metadata Files Only
  • Both Media and Metadata Files
Recurring Conversation Export Grants access to scheduled/recurring export under advanced export.
Conversations List ExportAllows exporting conversation detail records to CSV/XLS/PDF on the search/list page.

Administrator permissions

The table below summarizes administrator level permissions controlling access to export features. Administrator level permissions allow exporting all recordings under Administration -> Conversation Export.

Conversation Export

Grants access to advanced conversation export under Administration -> Conversation Export:

  • Media Files Only
  • Metadata Files Only
  • Both Media and Metadata Files
Recurring Conversation ExportGrants access to scheduled/recurring export under advanced export.

Starting a conversation export

The system allows exporting and downloading conversations in various ways:

  • Users can download voice/video recordings, media files on the search/list page by clicking on the download icon (disk), for more information see Downloading a single media file.
  • Users can export conversation detail records on the search/list page by clicking on one of the export options (Excel, CSV, PDF) under the export button in the top toolbar.
  • Users can use the advanced export features on the search/list page by clicking on the Advanced option under the export button in the top toolbar.
  • Administrators can use the advanced export features under Data > Export.

Configuring advanced conversation exports

Once you start an advanced conversation export, you can configure various settings for the export job.

Conversation Export

In this section, you can configure the general settings for the export job.

Configuration ItemDescription
NameDescriptive name of the export job.
Target Type

Type of the storage destination, the process moves the files to this location.

  • Storage Target
    A storage target can be defined in the Verba system by storage administrators. Access to storage targets, available for export, can be restricted to configured users or groups. For more information, see Storage targets. Access to exported files are not controlled by the Verba system, the system does not offer access to exported files.
  • Direct Download
    Using this option, the system exports files to a local folder on the Media Repository server and offers a download option after completing the export job. The download is available as a single non-compressed ZIP file containing all files exported during the job. The Direct Download feature can be completely disabled in the system, the feature is enabled by default. This option is only available for export jobs started from the search and list page. Once users download the ZIP file, the system offers the deletion of the ZIP file. No other mechanism is implemented to remove export files from the system, although these ZIP files can be removed administratively from the folder (manually).
Storage TargetStorage Target selected for the export job. This option is only available if the Target Type is set to Storage Target. For more information, see Storage targets.
Time zoneThe event times in the conversation metadata will be shown based on the selected time zone.
Rename FilesFiles exported using their original file name, unless a specific pattern is defined to rename the files. All media and metadata files will be renamed using the configured pattern.
QueryDescriptive/friendly representation of the query used to select conversation for export. If a user starts the export from the search/list page, the query shows the criteria configured on the search page. If an administrator starts the advanced export job, this field reflects the query built on this page below.
Send Notification to Email Address(es) Email address(es) for notifications, separated by line breaks. The system sends a notification to the configured email address(es) after completing the export job. If recurring job is scheduled, the system sends the notification after each run.
Email SubjectSubject of the notification email.
Email MessageBody of the notification email.
Source DatasetAdministrators can limit the scope of exported conversations to online, archived or both.
Conversation Detail FieldsAdministrators can define the criteria for selecting records for the export job.

Media Files

In this section, you can configure how you want to export media files (voice/video recordings and IM transcript files if available).

Configuration ItemDescription
Export Media FilesEnables exporting media files.
Decrypt Encrypted ConversationsIf a voice/video file is encrypted, the system can automatically decrypt the files before exporting. Original files remains encrypted. If no transcoding is specified, the system will output decrypted VF files which can only be played back using the Verba codec.
Transcode MediaVoice recordings can be optionally transcoded to the selected format.

Metadata Files

In this section, you can configure how you want to export metadata files.

Configuration ItemDescription
Export XML Metadata FilesEnables exporting original XML metadata files. Metadata XML files are generated by the recording services. If the file is missing, the system will not create it during the export process.
Create CSV Metadata FilesEnables creating customized CSV metadata files for each exported recording. By clicking on the Configure Columns button, you can select the fields and the order of the fields stored in the CSV file.
CSV DelimiterIf CSV export is selected, the CSV delimiter can be configured here.

CDR File

In this section, you can configure how you want to create a conversation detail record file for the export job.

Configuration ItemDescription
Create Conversation Detail Records (CDR) FileEnables creating a CDR file for the export job, listing all conversations. The system creates one CDR file for each export job. By clicking on the Configure Columns button, you can select the fields and the order of the fields displayed in the CDR file.
Conversation Detail Records (CDR) File FormatThe system supports CSV and PDF formats for CDR files.
CSV Delimiter If CSV format is selected, the CSV delimiter can be configured here.

Manifest File

In this section, you can configure how you want to create a manifest file for the export job. The manifest file is a HTML formatted file with configurable content.

Configuration ItemDescription
Create Manifest File

Enables creating a manifest file for the export job.

Include User IdentificationDefines if user identification is included in the manifest file.
Include QueryDefines if the descriptive/friendly query (see above) included in the manifest file.
Include List of Exported FilesDefines if all files exported listed (with an indication of error) in the manifest file.
File ExtensionDefines the file extension for the manifest file.


In this section, you can configure how you want to export conversation detail record files.

Configuration ItemDescription

Scheduling setting for the export job.  

  • Recurring
    Allows periodic exports. The system keeps track of the periods and only exports recordings since the last run.
  • Once Immediately  
    Run export now, once.    
  • Once At...
    Run export at a configured date and time once. 
Time of Next ExportDate and time of the next export run.
Period SettingsScheduling settings for periodic/recurring exporting. By clicking on the ... button, the scheduling wizard opens.

Checking export progress and status

Advanced export jobs can be monitored in the following way:

  • Advanced export jobs initiated by users can be checked under Data > Export. Users can only check their own export jobs.
  • Advanced export jobs initiated by administrators under Data > Export. Administrators can check the status of any export job, regardless of the initiator of the export job.
  • Advanced export jobs initiated by both user and administrators can be followed under System > Background Tasks. Access to this page is controlled by a special permission.

Disabling direct download and custom SQL options

You may want to completely disable the direct download and/or the custom SQL options. By disabling the direct download option, users will only able to export recordings to specified storage targets. By disabling the custom SQL option, administrators will not able to define custom SQL query for the export jobs.

In order to disable these options follow the steps below:

Step 1 - In the Verba web interface click on System > Verba Servers and select your Media Repository server, or select the appropriate Configuration Profile at System > Configuration Profiles.

Step 2 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab.

Step 3 - Expand Web Application > Miscellaneous.

Step 4 - Configure Enable direct download folder field on the export page and/or Enable custom SQL field on export page options.

Step 5 - Click on the Save icon to save your settings

Step 6 - The system will notify you that the changes need to be applied to the server by restarting the involved services. Execute the required tasks.


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