HTTP Business API


The primary goal of the interface is to enable the integration of external applications with the recording system on the business data level. The API provides access to features like attaching metadata to calls, keeping on-demand calls, getting call information, etc.

This API lets you improve business processes by integrating the recording system with your applications. 

General guidelines


The functions of the API are available as simple HTTP GET and POST requests. For implementations, where HTTP POST is not available, you can use the HTTP GET method. The maximum length of the HTTP GET request is usually maximized either by the client or the server. The client should assume that the maximum length of a GET request is 4000 characters, although, some implementations may support longer URLs too.

URL encoding

All HTTP requests have to be URL encoded and all spaces and special characters have to be escaped and substituted with its URL encoded equivalent. For further information, see

Response types

The API provides multiple types of responses, depending on the parameter defined in the request. This feature allows the use of the API with applications with different capabilities:

    • XML: for applications with XML parsing capabilities
    • JSON: for applications with JSON parsing capabilities
    • HTML: client-side, browser-based applications, where only an HTTP URL can be called and HTML formatted response can be displayed
    • TEXT: for applications with very limited capabilities

The available response types depend on the API function, some of the response types are not applicable for certain API functions.


The API provides the following mechanism to ensure that the communications between the external application and the recording system are secure:

    • Authentication
    • Option to limit the access to the API from preset network addresses
    • Option to use SSL/HTTPS

API calls

Metadata Calls

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Media calls

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
