Unified Call Recorder Service: SipTrunkDown Alert

Unified Call Recorder Service: SipTrunkDown Alert

SIP Trunk Down Alert


Computer name: <COMPUTER_NAME>
Alert id: <ID>
Time: <TIME> (UTC)
Severity: <SEVERITY> 

SIP trunk is down

Alert attributes:
Hostname (OID: .200.3): <CUCM_IP_ADDRESS>



This alert is sent if the Recording Director did not receive any SIP messages from the given CUCM IP address. By default this function is disabled.


If you receive such an alert, please check the connection between the server and the CUCM. If the connection is down, contact your IT team. If the connection is alive, please check the trunk settings from the CUCM's web page. 

Enabling/Disabling monitoring feature:

Required setting in Cisco UCM side: Use a SIP Trunk with a SIP Profile in which has the SIP Options Ping configured.

Required setting in Verba side:

Step 1 - On the web interface go to Administration and choose Verba Servers.

Step 2 - Choose and click on each of the Recording Director server(s) from the server list

Step 3 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab, and search for Unified Call Recorder.

Step 4 - Under Unified Call Recorder/Recording Providers/SIP/SIPREC/SIP Trunk Status Monitoring you can add a stup by clicking on the  icon.

 Step 5 - On the right side of the window, set the CUCM IP address, and the threshold value for timeout. Note that it should be greater then the Options Ping interval set on the CUCM side.

 Step 6 - Click the  icon to save your settings.

 Step 7 - The system will notify you that the changes need to applied to the server by restarting the involved services or rereading the new configuration. Execute the required tasks.

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