Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams recording features

  • Voice, video and screen/application share recording
  • Integration with the official Teams Compliance Recording API
  • Bot based integration, where the Teams platform is able to automatically invite the recorder bot into P2P calls or meetings for the configured users
  • Fail-close configuration option (in case of recorder failure, the recorded user cannot join the call or )
  • Supports always-on, selective and on-demand recording
  • Supports all call scenarios where the recorded user is a participant
  • Supports all type of Teams endpoints and devices
  • Built-in announcement and notification (provided by the Teams platform)
  • Support for load balancing and failover 
  • Support for Azure cloud and hybrid on-prem deployments

Version support

Switch Name & Model

Microsoft Teams

Supported Microsoft Teams Versions

Microsoft is currently revising subscription/licensing requirements for the APIs used by the integration

Supported Endpoint / DeviceTypes


If you are on a different version, contact your Microsoft representative for more information.

Deploying Microsoft Teams recording

The following section contains all the necessary steps for setting up a Microsoft Teams recording infrastructure.

Server sizing

Recording Server on Azure virtual machine

According to the Microsoft requirements, the Microsoft Teams Bot service must run on an Azure Virtual Machine. Requirements for the Recording Server role which will host the Verba Microsoft Teams Bot service and the Unified Call Recorder service are:

  • ILPIP (Instance Level Public IP Address) for the Recording Servers
    Private IP addresses are not recommended by Microsoft, due to potential performance limitation caused by the Azure NAT, although will work
  • For resilient and/or high volume configurations, multiple virtual machines (running the Recording Server role) has to be deployed. In order to distribute the load across multiple Verba Microsoft Teams Bot services, an Azure Application Gateway has to be deployed in front of the VMs.

Due to performance limitations in the Microsoft Local Media SDK, the Recording Server sizing for Microsoft Teams recording is different from other integrations. The following table summarizes the server sizing for Microsoft Teams recording:


per vCPU

w 60% avg. load

per vCPU

w 80% avg. load


Voice and Screen & Application Share

Up to x1 1080p stream / call

3040The total number of video streams (including both video and screen sharing streams) per virtual machine cannot exceed 100 due to Microsoft SDK limitation.

Voice and Video

Up to x4 360p video streams / call


The values indicate the number of maximum simultaneous calls for the specified modalities per vCPU.

Testing was done with mixed audio on Azure D3v2 (4 cores), D4v2 (8 cores), and D5v2 (16 cores) virtual machines.


For requirements for other components and server roles, see Server sizing and requirements

Load-balancing and Failover

Large deployments may require multiple VMs and other Azure components. For more information, see: 

Microsoft Teams Recording Failover and Load-balancing Design


The Microsoft Teams integration requires additional prerequisites and configuration on Azure and O365, contact support, for more information.

Make sure that all the required prerequisites are installed on each server prior to the installation.

For guidance on configuring the necessary firewall port, visit Firewall configuration for Microsoft Teams recording deployments


The following articles contain all the step for installing the various server roles:


For the configuration guide, see Configuring Microsoft Teams Recording.

Microsoft Teams metadata

The system captures the following metadata specific to Microsoft Teams recordings.

Metadata FieldDescriptionTemplateAvailable
Start DateStart date of the conversationStandardYes
Start TimeStart time on the conversationStandardYes
End DateEnd date of the conversationStandardYes
End TimeEnd time of the conversationStandardYes
DurationLength of the conversationStandardYes
UserName of the recorded userStandardYes
FromPhone number, Button name, User nameStandardYes
From InfoUser / contact nameStandardYes
ToPhone number, Button name, User nameStandardYes
To InfoUser / contact nameStandardYes
DirectionDirection of the call from the system perspective, requires configuring internal number/domain patternsStandardYes
Direction (User)Direction of the call from the recorded user perspectiveStandardYes
From (Verba)Name of the Verba user associated with the calling partyStandardYes
To (Verba)Name of the Verba user associated with the called partyStandardYes
LocationHostname of the recording serverStandardYes
End CauseNormal, Hold, Transfer, Conference, Device Change, From Terminated, To TerminatedStandardYes
Audio CodecAudio codec of the recorded streamsStandardYes
Video codecVideo codec of the recorded streamsStandardYes
Platform Call IDUnique conversation identifier received from the recorded platformStandardYes
Silence RatioRatio of silence in the conversationStandardYes
Talkover RatioTalkover ratio of the conversationStandardYes
Longest SilenceLength of the longest silence present in the conversationStandardYes
User ID / Agent IDAzure AD Object ID for the recorded userStandardYes
From DeviceDevice ID of the calling partyStandardNo
To DeviceDevice ID of the called partyStandardNo
Dialed NumberOriginal dialed numberStandardNo
From IPIP address of the recording botStandardYes
To IPIP address of the recording botStandardYes
From Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the caller partyStandardNo
To Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the called partyStandardNo
Source PlatformMicrosoft TeamsStandardYes
Conversation TypeVoice, Video, Screen ShareStandardYes
Forward ReasonForward reason for the conversation (e.g. forwarded, transferred, team call, delegated, etc.) StandardNo
Recording failedIndicates if the recording has failed and the metadata was imported during CDR reconciliationStandardNo
Media LengthLength of the media file related to the conversation in hhh:mm:ss formatStandardYes
Media ErrorShows the media processing errors during recordingStandardYes
Voice QualityOverall voice quality check score for the conversationStandardYes
Record TypeStandardStandardYes
2N SourceIn case of duplicate (2N) recording, records are marked as primary or secondaryStandardNo

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