Generic Import CDR fields

Generic Import CDR fields

This article describes the supported CDR fields in the Generic Import Source.

CDR fieldDescriptionExpected data
Meeting IDTechnical identifier for the conference freetext
Meeting URIWeb link to join the meeting  freetext
End CauseThe end cause of the conversation  
Media LengthThe length of the media fileCall length in seconds
DirectionThe direction of the call 
ModalityThe type of conversation 
Media File LocationThe full path to the media file freetext
Recorded ExtensionThe extension being recorded in the conversation  freetext
Recorded PartyThe user being recorded in the conversation  freetext
Platform Call IDConversation ID assigned by the communication platform  freetext
Native Call IDConversation ID assigned by the recorder  freetext
Secondaryprimary or secondary (using 2N / duplicate recording) 
Location The hostname of the server that recorded the conversation  freetext
Video CodecThe codec used by the communication platform 
Source Caller IDExtension for the caller party  freetext
Destination Caller IDExtension for the called party  freetext
Source Caller NameThe display name of the caller party  freetext
Destination Caller NameThe display name of the called party  freetext
User IDThe User ID obtained from the communication platform as extra metadata  freetext

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