Voice Quality Check Details

Available in version 9.2 and later


Voice Quality Check Details report shows detailed information about voice quality issues with detailed feature scores.

Filter options

UserOnly conversations belonging to the selected user(s) will be displayed
GroupsOnly conversations of users belonging to the selected group(s) will be displayed
ServerOnly the conversations recorded on the selected servers will be displayed
Voice Quality ThresholdDefines the threshold values for the overall and/or separate feature scores. Only conversations matching the defined threshold filters will be displayed. The quality score filters are in logical OR relationship when multiple filters are defined.


  • Query Interval
  • Print Date
  • Record Count
  • User
  • Summary
    • Conversations Checked
    • Number of Conversations Below Quality Gate (based on the defined quality score threshold filters)
  • Poor Quality Conversations Details
    • Conversation Start Date/Time
    • Caller Party
    • Called Party
    • Conversation ID
    • Quality Scores (Overall and Features)


  • None

Report sample