Configuring Verba for IPC Unigy recording

The Verba Unified Recorder service should be enabled and configured for IPC Unigy recording as follows.

Active the Unified Call Recorder service on the Recording Servers

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface go to System \ Servers

Step 2 - Select the Recording Server from the list

Step 3 - Click on the Service Activation tab

Step 4 - Activate the Verba Unified Call Recorder Service by clicking on the  icon.

Step 5 - Repeat the steps on all Recording Servers (all servers with either a Media Recorder or Recording Director role or both)  if there are multiple

Configure the Recording Director

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface go to System \ Servers

Step 2 - Select the server with the Recording Director role from the list

Step 3 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab and navigate to Unified Call Recorder / Recording Providers / IPC Unigy

Configure Unigy Zones

Step 4 - Add a new zone with the  icon under Unigy Zones. On the right panel, configure the zone configuration settings as described below:


Enter the URL of the Unigy CTI service. It should be like http://zone_vip/ctisvc/recording/CSTAService where the host part must identify the Zone VIP.

If secure communication is required the URL should be https://.... If HTTPS is configured recorder establishes recording channels via SIP over TLS as well.

If secure communication is configured, Verba should be configured to use a Unigy trusted certificate.

Local CTI portThis is a port on which Verba listens to CTI events from Unigy after subscription on these. If not configured, a random free port is selected in range 1024-65535. If for firewall reasons this should be a specific port then it can be configured. The port must be unique for each zone and free (ie other applications should not use it).
CCM SIP portIf for some reason Unigy does not use the standard/default 5060/5061 ports, then the SIP port number should be configured here.
Secondary Recorder (2N)If 2N recording is required then one Recording Director should have the primary role, and the other Recording Director the secondary role. If it is enabled, the Recording Director will subscribe to "duplicate" mixes defined in the recording profile. 

Configure certificate

Step 5 - Configure the certificate settings if secure communication is used in zone configuration:

SSL/TLS Certificate

Specify the certificate file/certificate thumbprint (a certificate stored in the Windows Certificate Store or PEM/PFX certificate file path). The certificate must be signed by Unigy.

SSL/TLS KeyIf a file-based certificate (PEM) is used, the path of the private key file. If it is bundled with the certificate, then the same file should be set here.
SSL/TLS Key PasswordSpecify the password for the file that contains the certificate keys
SSL/TLS Trust List

Specify the list of certificates validating Unigy's certificate:

  • empty: no validation on Verba side
  • thumbprint: either self-signed certificate with the thumbprint or CA-signed certificate where CA certificate matches the thumbprint is accepted
  • *: use windows top-level CA store
  • PEM file path: the file should contain the certificate chain for Unigy Enterprise

Revise optional settings and save the configuration

Step 6 - Review the following optional configuration settings:

CDR/Agent Event Subscription Keepalive (seconds)The keepalive timer for the subscription. The lower value detects failure quicker but causes more load on Unigy.
Agent State Polling Period (seconds)The timer for agent state polling, lower value detects failure quicker but causes more load on Unigy.
Start Recording by RTP (not by CTI)By default Verba starts recording and waiting for media based on CTI call start/stop events. For more reliability this can be changed to start recording based on arriving media and update the record based on CTI events (if they are arriving). 
Unigy Controlled Recording

Recording decision from IPC should or not override Verba decision

Step 7 - 
Save the changes by clicking on the  icon.

Step 8 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, so you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.

Configure the Media Recorder

Besides the general recording specific configuration, there are the following IPC Unigy specific configurations

  • Unified Recorder\Media Recorder\Media Splitting\IPC - Call Splitting (seconds): default value 3600 (1hr). Long calls (Speaker channel/Open lines) will be recorded as multiple records split every x seconds (1hr). This makes easier searching in the recorded content
  • Unified Recorder\Media Recorder\Media Splitting\IPC - Voice Inactivity (seconds): default value 30. If turret stops sending media (even call is still ongoing) and timer elapses we stop the recording. As soon as media starts flowing again we create a new record for this segment. Detecting media activity helps to reduce required storage space (not recording long silence periods) and voice searchability. Voice detection relies on Turret's silence suppression/DTX feature

Configure distributed Media Recorder and Recording Director

If it is required, the Media Recorder and the Recording Director can be separated. The following guide contains our requirements and best practices on the subject: Configuring advanced network-based recording

IPC Unigy resilient recording configurations:

Configure 2N recording


The following method requires one Recording Server in each lane(or one Recording Director and a Media Recorder, in case of distributed components).

Configure the Recording Director:

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface go to System \ Servers

Step 2 - Select the server which has the Recording Director role

Step 3 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab and navigate to Unified Call Recorder / Recording Providers / IPC Unigy

Step 4 - Add a new zone with the  icon under IPC Zones. On the right panel, configure the zone configuration settings as described below:

Step 5 - Save the changes by clicking on the  icon.

Step 6 - Repeat the previous steps until Step 4 on the Secondary Recording Director, but under the IPC Zones check the Secondary Recorder (2N) option under the IPC Zones

Step 7 - Save the changes by clicking on the  icon.

Step 8 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, so you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.

Configure CTI failover


For this setup two Recording Directors needed. One should be set as active CTI service, for this server, no additional configuration required, the other as passive. 

Configure the Recording Director:

The following settings should be changed on passive Recording Director:

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface go to System \ Servers

Step 2 - Select the server which will act as the passive Recording Director

Step 3 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab and navigate to Unified Call Recorder / Recording Providers / IPC Unigy

Step 4 - Set the following configuration items:

    • Unified Recorder\Recording Providers\IPC Unigy\Passive CTI Service: Yes

    • Unified Recorder\Recording Providers\IPC Unigy\Active CTI Service Address: Monitoring address (FQDN, hostname, IP) of active Recording Director. If not the default API port is configured it should be specified too in server:port format

Step 5 - Save the changes by clicking on the  icon.

Step 6 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, so you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.