Create and configure a SIP Trunk

Create and configure a SIP Trunk

Create a new SIP Profile

Step 1 - Select the Device / Device Settings / SIP Profile menu item.

Step 2 - Create a new profile for the new recorder trunk by clicking on the Add New button.

Step 3 - Provide a Name

SIP Profile settings for proxy-based recording

If proxy-based recording is used, the following settings have to be set:

  • User-Agent and Server header information: Pass Through Received Information as User-Agent
  • Early Offer support for voice and video calls: Best Effort (no MTP inserted)
  • Allow Presentation Sharing using BFCP
  • Allow iX Application Media

Step 4 - In the Enable OPTIONS Ping section turn on the Enable OPTIONS Ping to monitor destination status for Trunks with Service Type "None (Default)" setting.

Step 5 - Click on the Save button.

Optional - Create a new SIP Trunk Security Profile

In special cases like outbound announcement, secure SIP Trunk connection, or when multiple SIP Trunks going to connect to the same Verba server, a new SIP Trunk Security Profile has to be created.

Step 1 - Select the System / Security / SIP Trunk Security Profile menu item.

Step 2 - Create a new profile for the new recorder trunk by clicking on the Add New button.

Step 3 - Provide a Name.

Step 4 - If multiple SIP Trunks going to connect to the same Verba server, then all of them should have a separate security profile with a different Incoming Port setting. If this is the case, then change the Incoming Port setting accordingly.

Step 5 - If the SIP Trunk going to be used for outbound announcement, then turn on the Accept replaces header setting.

Secure SIP Trunk connection

If secure SIP Trunk connection is used, the Verba server certificate has to be uploaded to the CUCM first. In the SIP Trunk security profile, the following settings have to be set:

  • Decice Security Mode: Encrypted
  • Incoming Transport Type: TLS
  • Outgoing Transport Type: TLS
  • X.509 Subject Name: Recording Server certificate Subject value (after CN=), which is usually the FQDN of the Recording Server. You can check this attribute by opening the certificate file in Windows.
  • Transmit Security Status

Step 6 Click Save.

Create a new SIP trunk

To provision a recorder as a SIP trunk device, a Unified CM administrator has to create a SIP trunk device from the device page.

Step 1 - Select the Device / Trunk menu item, and click on the Add New button.

Step 2 - Set the Device Name at the Device Information panel.

SIP Trunk setting for outbound announcement

If outbound announcement is used, the following settings have to be turned on:

  • PSTN Access
  • Redirecting Diversion Header Delivery - Inbound
  • Redirecting Diversion Header Delivery - Outbound

Step 3 - Set Destination Address value to match the recorder (or proxy in case of proxy-based recording) server local address.

Step 4 - Set Destination Port to 5060 (this value has to match the Verba Recording Server configuration).

Step 5 - Set SIP Trunk Security Profile to Non Secure SIP Trunk Profile or to the new profile created earlier.

Step 6 - Set the SIP Profile setting to the one created earlier.

Step 7 - Leave other parameters as default.

Step 8 - Click on the Save button.

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