Configuring the Verba Cisco MediaSense connector
Prerequisites - PBX side configuration
First, you should configure Cisco UCM and Cisco MediaSense to enable central recording API with the dedicated Verba server(s).
Step 1 - Activate the Cisco MediaSense Services
Step 1 - In the Verba Web Interface go to System > Servers > Select your Recording (or Single) Server > Click on the Service Activation tab.
Step 2 - Activate the Verba Cisco Media Sense Connector Service by clicking on the icon.
Step 3 - Activate the Verba Cisco JTAPI Service by clicking on the icon.
Step 2 - Configure the Central Cisco Recorder Database Service
Step 1 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab.
Step 2 - Expand the Cisco JTAPI Configuration \ Basics node. The IP address(es) of the CUCM(s) have to be provided at the Cisco UCM IP Address(es) setting, and the JTAPI username and password at the JTAPI User Name and JTAPI User Password setting.
Step 3 - After making your changes click on the
icon in the top right corner of the configuration tree.Step 4 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, so you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.
Step 5 - Click on the Service Control tab.
Step 6 - Start the Verba Cisco JTAPI Service by clicking on the icon.
Step 3 - Configure the Cisco MediaSense Connector Service
Step 1 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab.
Step 2 - Expand the Cisco Media Sense \ Basics node.
Step 3 - Set the Scheduled offline call import interval start time and end time. If start and end time is equal, import is done continuously. The polling interval can be set at the Advanced \ MediaSense Polling interval setting. This import feature affects calls recorded during connector is down.
Step 4 (Optional) - Modify the Call event listening port if necessary (the HTTPS port on which MediaSense connects to send call event notifications after connector successfully subscribed on events). Firewall must allow connection to this port.
Step 5 - Under the MediaSense Cluster node, set the Frontend(s) setting. It is a list of comma-separated list of the MediaSense frontend addresses. By default port 443 is assumed, but port can be specified explicitly inip:port format.
Step 6 - Set the User setting. It's the same JTAPI username as configured previously.
Step 7 - Set JTAPI User Password configured previously.
Step 8 - Save the changes by clicking on the icon.
Step 9 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, so you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.
Step 10 - Click on the Service Control tab.
Step 11 - Start the Verba Cisco Media Sense Connector Service by clicking on the icon.
If the services start properly, you can start making test calls from your configured endpoints and verify them by searching for phone calls.