Authorization Requests

Authorization Requests

Users can request access to conversations based on users/groups, cases and labels.

In the menu, navigate to Workflows -> Request Access menu. If there is an existing workflow based on the user or group settings of the logged in user, then the Requested Data drop-down menu will appear. Select one of the available options:

  • Request Access to Users/Groups
  • Request Access to Case
  • Request Access to Label

Once the Request Data setting is set, the workflow details appear. At the Authorization Request section, general information has to be provided.

Line ItemDescription
Approval WorkflowThis request will go through the steps of the approval workflow that is displayed in that line
ReasonThe users need to specify why they are requesting access to conversations. The approvers will see this comment and can decide based on this if the access request is valid or not
My Group Related to this RequestWhich Group's Manager needs to approve the request. This option only appears if the workflow has been configured with the option Group Manager(s) of Requester for the approvers. For more details refer to the Creating a Workflow article
Expiration DateThe authorization request will be automatically dismissed if it has not been approved by the Expiration Date

Requesting Access to Conversations

The following sections describe the required fields based on the option selected at the Requested Data setting.

Request Access to conversations of certain Users/Groups

Line ItemDescription
Group Access Role

Defines what type of access is required

  • Supervisor - The user will be able to see the conversations that he is granted to access to, but he will not be able to listen to the conversations.
  • Investigator - The user will be able to see and listen to the conversations that he is granted access to
Date FromAccess will be granted to conversations that took place after this date
Date UntilAccess will be granted to conversations that took place before this date
GroupsAccess will be granted to the conversations of the groups that are moved to the right pane
UsersAccess will be granted to the conversations of the users that are added here

Request Access to conversations in certain Cases

Line ItemDescription
Requested CaseAccess will be granted to the conversations in this Case
View ConversationsThe user will be able to see the conversations, but this does not include playback rights
Playback ConversationsThe user will be able to listen to the conversations
Add/Remove ConversationsThe user will be able to Add/Remove conversations to/from this Case (permission will be given to Add/Remove the labels that belong to this case)

Request Access to conversations that have been marked with specific Labels

Line ItemDescription
Requested LabelAccess will be granted to the conversations that are marked with this Label
View ConversationsThe user will be able to see the conversations, but this does not include playback rights
Playback ConversationsThe user will be able to listen to the conversations
Add/Remove ConversationsThe user will be able to Add/Remove this Label to/from conversations


If everything is set, click on the Save button to submit the workflow.

Displaying Submitted Requests

Users can see the submitted requests under the Workflow > Requests menu item. The following filters are available:

  • My Requests - Users can see the requests that they have submitted
  • All Requests - Users can see the requests that have been submitted. (Only those are displayed that the user has access to)
  • Requests to Approve - The requests that are currently waiting to be approved by the logged in user

Requests to Approve page

The Authorization Requests are displayed on this page that the logged in user has the rights to approve.

It shows who submitted the request and when, displays the reason that the requester entered and what data the user would like to gain access to.

The request can be approved, rejected or escalated after clicking on the request.

Approval History

In the Approval History section, it is clearly visible who submitted the request and which steps the workflow has progressed through so far.

The events are also listed, like who received the Approval Request or who accepted, escalated or rejected the request.

Latest Step

In the Latest Step section, the system shows which step the workflow is currently in and what is needed to complete this step.

In the Approvers line, all of the people are listed who have the right to approve this request. Only one person needs to evaluate the request (accept, escalate, reject)

ApprovalIn the Approval section, the approver can comment on why he is making the given decision (For example explaining why the user cannot gain access to what has been requested)

Configuring Workflow Rights

The user rights connected to compliance workflows can be configured for each role in the system.

Regular User Permissions section

Preview Conversation - This will only give the user the ability to play back the first part of the conversation (Duration is configurable, default is 15 seconds). Based on that they can submit an authorization request for those conversations.

Send Authorization Requests - Gives the user the right to submit authorization requests as shown in the first part of this article

View Authorization Requests - Gives the user the right to see the authorization requests that have been submitted by other people. In most cases this is a right for a system supervisor

Administrative Permissions

Workflow Configuration - Each person can have different rights regarding the configuration of compliance workflows. The following rights can be given: Read, Update, Create, Delete

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