Average Score by Question

Category: Quality Management Reports


The Average Score by Question report shows a list of average scores for each question in the scorecard of the Quality Management Projects currently in the system.

Filter options

AgentOnly evaluations for the selected agent(s) will be displayed
Evaluated byOnly evaluations for the selected evaluator(s) will be displayed
Evaluation formOnly evaluations for the selected evaluation form(s) will be displayed
Evaluation projectOnly evaluations for the selected evaluation project(s) will be displayed
GroupsOnly evaluations for the selected group(s) will be displayed
ScoreOnly evaluations for the selected score(s) will be displayed
QuestionOnly evaluations containing the selected answer(s) for selected question(s) will be displayed.


  • Query Interval
  • Print Date
  • Number of Questions
  • User
  • Question
  • Min
  • Max
  • Avg

Report sample