Salesforce integration


Using this integration, you can configure one click access to Verba recordings directly from Salesforce.

This document walks you through the steps required to configured the Verba-Salesforce Integration in the Sales Cloud application.

The integration provides:

  • single click search in your Verba recordings from Contacts, Accounts and Leads pages

  • single click identification of a recording related to a Activity/Task

There are two main components:

  • on the side - custom button elements send the user to a Verba Direct URL Access Search and list page

  • on the Verba side - the Verba search and list page is shown and automatically starts playing the call if there is only one result

Installation steps

Step 1 - Verify prerequisites

  • You need Administrator level access to your Salesforce organization

  • You need access to your Verba solution (preferably with System Supervisor rights, so as many calls are visible during your tests as possible)

Login to both systems with your credentials.

Step 2 - Create Custom Buttons


Step 1 - Go to Setup / Build / Customize / Contacts / Buttons, Links, and Actions
Step 2 - Click New Button or Link 
Step 3 - Set the following:

    • Label: Find Recordings
    • Display Type: Detail Page Button
    • Description: Verba Call Recording Search
    • Behavior: Display in new window
    • Content Source: URL

Step 4 - Set the URL field to the following:


This URL will show search results from the last 730 days (p_date_last_days) and adds multiple phone numbers to the search criteria ({!Contact.Phone}, {!Contact.MobilePhone}, {!Contact.HomePhone}, {!Contact.OtherPhone}, {!Contact.AssistantPhone}). It also removes spaces from the phone numbers (p_normalize=1).

You can configure the parameters of this call based on the Search and list URL documentation.


Step 1 - Go to Setup / Build / Customize / Accounts / Buttons, Links, and Actions
Step 2 - Click New Button or Link
Step 3 - Set the following:

    •  Label: Find Recordings
    •  Display Type: Detail Page Button
    •  Description: Verba Call Recording Search
    •  Behavior: Display in new window
    •  Content Source: URL

Step 4 - Set the URL field to the following:


This URL will show search results from the last 730 days (p_date_last_days) and adds a phone number to the search criteria ({!Account.Phone}). It also removes spaces from the phone numbers (p_normalize=1).

You can configure the parameters of this call based on the Search and list URL documentation.


Step 1 - Go to Setup / Build / Customize / Leads / Buttons, Links, and Actions
Step 2 - Click New Button or Link
Step 3Set the following:

    • Label: Find Recordings
    • Display Type: Detail Page Button
    • Description: Verba Call Recording Search
    • Behavior: Display in new window
    • Content Source: URL

Step 4Set the URL field to the following:


This URL will show search results from the last 730 days (p_date_last_days) and adds multiple phone numbers to the search criteria ({!Lead.Phone},{!Lead.MobilePhone}). It also removes spaces from the phone numbers (p_normalize=1).

You can configure the parameters of this call based on the Search and list URL documentation.


Step 1 - Go to Setup / Build / Customize / Activities / Task Buttons, Links, and Actions
Step 2Click New Button or Link
Step 3 - Set the following: 

    • Label: Find Recording
    • Display Type: Detail Page Button
    • Description: Verba Call Recording Search
    • Behavior: Display in new window
    • Content Source: URL

Step 4Set the URL field to the following:


This URL will show search results from a 10 minute window around the date of the task (p_date={!TEXT(Task.CreatedDate)}&p_date_window=10) and adds a phone number to the search criteria ({!User.Phone}). It also removes spaces from the phone numbers (p_normalize=1).

You can configure the parameters of this call based on the Search and list URL documentation.

Step 3 - Add the custom buttons to all layouts

Step 1 - Go to a Contact record
Step 2 - Click Edit Layout
Step 3 - Drag the new custom buttons onto the layout

Repeat the above steps for Account, Lead and Task records. Then test each button in each of at least one Contact, Account, Lead and Task.

Security considerations


The above used Direct URL Access calls use the standard, configured authentication mechanism of your Verba system:

  •  If your organization uses password authentication, it will present a login page after the first search, but afterwards it will use your open browser session for subsequent calls.
  • If your organization uses Active Directory Single Sign-On, you will not see a login page. To configure this you can follow the steps in SSO with Active Directory.

Access Control

This integration does not provide users with additional rights or rights override to calls. Only those calls, that a user already has access to (ie. can see when they login to the Verba Web interface), will be displayed when a user searches using a Salesforce button.

This means that different users, may see different results based on their access control configuration in Verba. For example, if the calls matching a certain Salesforce records’ phone numbers are not visible to the logged in user, the solution will not show those calls to that user.

Use HTTPS in custom buttons

For security reasons we recommend you use HTTPS URLs for all custom buttons in Salesforce. It is recommended to configure HTTPS and disable HTTP on your Verba system.