Using CSV user import

Using CSV user import


You can upload user information using CSV file. Click on the Browse button to locate the CSV file on your hard disk, than press the Upload button.

You can export these files from Excel, or create them manually by following the rules below:

  • Each record must be on separate line
  • The fields must be separated by commas or semicolons (the appropriate option has to be selected on the upload page)
  • If you cannot add a field, leave it empty (do not skip fields at the end of the row, leave them empty e.g. ;;; )
  • If you need comma or semicolon or new line character in a field, you have to surround the entire field with quotation marks ("this is a field, with a comma")
  • If you need quotation mark in a field, you have to insert double quotation marks instead of one and you also have to surround the entire field with quotation marks ("this is a field with ""quotations" ")
  • The system automatically trims spaces from the beginning and the end of the field
  • You can leave the header row in the CSV file, but on the upload page, you have to check the Skip First Row (Heading) option

The CSV file must be UTF-8 encoded, otherwise names with local characters might get corrupted.

After uploading the file you will see the contents of the file in a table format and you can make changes to the values before executing the import.

List of columns in the CSV file

The following table describes the required fields in the CSV file:

You can download sample CSV file by clicking on the Download Sample XLS File link on the top right corner.


Column Name


Value requirements/rules


User name

Full name of the user, e.g. used in searches.

Maximum 64 characters


Login ID 

Login name of the user.

Maximum 32 characters
Only alphanumeric, @ and . (dot) - you can use email address



Language of the user interface.

The following valid values apply:
en, hu, de, fr, fr_CA


E-mail address

Email address of the user, used to send requested call information to the user.

Maximum length: 128


Valid From yyyy.mm.dd

First date when the user can login. By default a user can not see calls on associated extensions before this date.

The following date formats can be used:

If the field is empty, current date is used.


Phone Mapping

List of phone numbers / Extensions associated with the user.

Semicolon separated list of one phone numbers or URIs (e.g. SIP address)
If an Extension does not exist it is created using the Recording Mode field (see below)


Password (MD5 Hash)

MD5 hash of the user's password.

If empty, the login name is used as password
E.g use an online MD5 calculator to calculate it. 


Change Password at Next Login

Forces users to change their password when they next log in to the system.

1 - password must be changed
0 - no password change required

9GroupsList of Groups where the user is a member.
Semicolon separated list of Group names
If a Group does not exist it is created 
10Role API NamesList of Roles associated with the user.Newline (Alt + Enter in Excel) separated list of Role names.


11Recording ModeDefines how the phone numbers listed in the Phone Mapping field should be recorded.
full - records in always-on mode
on-demand - records on-demand
manual - records controlled
no - do not record
12Time ZoneTime Zone of the user (e.g. used for displaying time in searches)
Time Zone ID. You can find the timezone IDs on the web interface under Administrator / User on any user configuration page. Use the ID in the second half of the timezone you see in the drop-down list.
E.g. if you see "GMT+01:00 - Europe/Stockholm" to Time Zone ID to be used in this field is "Europe/Stockholm".
13CRM User IDCustomer Relationship Management user Identity Number.

Leave blank or enter the user's Customer Relationship Management ID number. 

14VoiceDefines voice recording for the phone numbers listed in the Phone Mapping field.1 - enabled
0 - disabled
15Instant MessagingDefines IM recording for the phone numbers listed in the Phone Mapping field.1 - enabled
0 - disabled
16VideoDefines video recording for the phone numbers listed in the Phone Mapping field.1 - enabled
0 - disabled
17Desktop ScreenDefines desktop screen recording for the phone numbers listed in the Phone Mapping field.1 - enabled
0 - disabled
18custom0Custom user fields. For more information visit this page.

23Prompt InboundPlay Audio Notification for PSTN Inbound Calls.1 - enabled
0 - disabled
24Prompt ConferencePlay Audio Notification for Conference Calls.1 - enabled
0 - disabled
25Inbound FileAudio Notification File for PSTN Inbound Calls.E.g.:
26Conference FileAudio Notification File for Conference Calls.E.g.:
27Conference MessageIM Notification for Conference Calls.


This meeting is being recorded.