Menu structure

This part of the main menu lets users access call lists with predefined selection criteria and sorting based on various filters. Normally the search starts immediately after selecting a menu item. The resulting call lists appear in the Body area or in a pop-up window.

Group and system supervisors will have visibility to their respective authority circle of users when executing many of these queries.

  • Search - This menu takes users to the search criteria definition page where they can define various flexible search criteria to find call recordings.
  • Ongoing - This item displays the list of ongoing conversations that are being recorded.
  • Agent View - Supervisors can monitor the work of agents by looking at their live desktop screen.
  • On-Demand Buffer - This list menu item displays conversations that are not yet kept but are marked for recording.
  • Saved Queries - This menu item contains the saved queries of the user that were previously defined in the search page.
  • Manage Shared Items - Conversations can be shared among users. This page lets users change the parameters of their conversation shares. (i.e. extending/revoking access to a share).
  • View Shared Items - Conversations can be shared among users. This page displays the conversations shared with the user.
  • Participant Sets - Customised participant sets can be used to define a group of people within the system.
  • Speech Search Phrases - Users can search and list speech phrases by using the appropriate filters in this item.
  • My Exports - This item displays the export operations that the user created.
  • All Evaluations - Supervisors can rate the agent conversations by using this interface.
  • My Evaluations - Users can see their ratings using this page.
  • Projects - By creating projects supervisors can assign calls of certain agents to certain supervisors for evaluation.
  • Forms - By creating scorecards, the supervisors can rate the calls of their agents.
  • Skills - Agent skills like empathy, communication, technical knowledge, etc.can be added here.


  • Request Access - This item offers users the option to select the requested data filtered to Users/Groups, Cases or Label in the drop-down menu.
  • Requests - This item lists all the requests. Users can search for and list authorization requests.
  • Workflows - Users can create custom workflows to gain access to the requested conversations.
  • Message Templates - The email messages that are sent to requesters/approvers can be configured in the Message Templates item. Users can select these templates in a workflow.
  • Communication Policies - Communication Policies are the foundation of your Ethical wall, they define how and when Users and Groups can communicate with each other.
  • Content Policies - Instant Messaging content can be filtered based on business requirements.
  • Notifications - Users can define the messages to be sent to notifications, which then can be sent to selected parties when a given communication channel is opened.
  • Disclaimers - Users can define the texts of the disclaimers, which then can be sent to selected parties when a given communication channel is opened.
  • Validator - Using the Communication Policy Validator users can test Communication Policies.
  • Audit Log - This item logs Ethical Wall events.
  • Dashboard - This is a configurable tool providing a quick look at the most useful statistics for the user.
  • Create New Report - By creating reports users can gain a summarized view of the data in the system.
  • Report Templates - In this item users can create Report Templates and reuse them at a later time.
  • Reports - This item displays an overview of previously created reports that can be downloaded from this page.
  • Users - Administrators can access the user administration page from this item.
  • Groups - Administrators can access the group administration page from this item.
  • Extensions - Administrators can use this page to configure extension (phone) numbers to be recorded and link users to specific phone numbers.
  • Roles - This is the basis of the Role-based access control (RBAC) in the system. User rights can be defined in Roles and then the roles are assigned to users.
  • Active Directory Synchronization - The Active Directory Connection parameters can be defined here so that the users and extensions in Verba are automatically synchronized from AD.
  • Bulk User and Extension Update - In this field, the user and extension parameters can be bulk updated by defining the new values of the parameters.
  • Bulk User Import - This submenu allows administrators to create Verba user accounts using a bulk import feature.
  • Data Management Policies - Administrators can set up different types of data retention rules to define storage policies for the recorded conversations.
  • Storage Targets - Users can set up target folders for the data retention policies in this item.
  • Import sources - Users can search and list the various import sources by using the appropriate filters in this item.
  • Data processors - Users can search and list data processors by using the appropriate filters in this item.
  • Manage Labels - This item lists the Cases that were placed on Legal Hold.
  • Labels in Legal Hold - This item lists the Labels that were placed on Legal Hold.
  • Automatic Labeling - Users can find and list Label Rules in this item based on the set filters.
  • Manage Cases - This item lists the cases that were previously created in the system. Users can add new cases to this page. For more information refer to the Cases article.
  • Cases in Legal Hold - This item lists cases placed on Legal Hold.
  • Export - Users can export groups of conversations and create backups of conversations in this item.
  • Servers - Administrators can register and administer all types of settings for the deployed Verba servers (e.g. local recorders).
  • Configuration Profiles - These profiles can be applied to Verba servers, making the administration of the servers easy and convenient.
  • Metadata Templates - Conversation records can be extended with Fields that contain additional information on that record can be added to conversation records.
  • Conversation List Layout - Administrators can define the content of the default List Layout, which is automatically assigned to a new user.
  • Request Server Certificates - Service connections are encrypted by using certificates. Administrators can request certificates to a new Verba server if it cannot access the web application during installation.
  • Encryption/Signing certificates - Recordings are encrypted by using certificates. Administrators can add and access the certificates to be used.
  • API Keys - Software developers can create custom applications that access Verba through an API. The keys for the communication with the API can be managed here.
  • Audit Log - Administrators have access to the read-only event logs that provide an audit trail of certain user activities and system events.
  • Alert management - Users can set up alerts in this item.
  • Background Tasks - This page shows the background tasks that are scheduled in the system (i.e. Data Retention Policies)
  • Collect Configuration and Logs - Users can collect and configuration setups and logs in this item.
  • Session Monitor - Administrators can view real-time status of active user sessions in the Verba Web Application.
  • Database Summary - Administrators can display summary information on Verba database including call information and configuration databases here.
  • Database Purging - Administrators can remove erroneous call records from the database in this item.
  • License - Administrators can view the details of the currently applied license for the system, including the expiration date and the number of licenses for each function.
  • My account - This item displays an overview of the user information.
  • Change password - Users can change their password at any time in this item.
  • Sign out - Logged in users sign out from the user interface here.
  • Online Help - This item opens a new tab in your browser, that points to
  • Online Support - This item opens the online Verba support page.  Normally system support and administrator personnel use this site ( a user ID and a password are required).
  • Downloads - Administrators have access to various Verba plug-ins in this item.
  • About - This item displays the version and registration information along with the EULA (End-User License Agreement).